Germany on the brink of legalizing cannabis | DW News

One topic in the coalition talks to form a new government in Germany is the legalization of cannabis products. All three parties are …


  1. Can I apply living in the UK on maybe special circumstances?? I am mentally and physically ill, I have nerve root damage due to disc prolapse' in my lower back and it looks like I may be suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (mentally) Due to major anxiety issues I first tried cannabis when I was 15 and it made me panic and that panic lasted so as my mental health got more tender I learned that alcohol was what I needed to "Man Up" and be molded into another and as I grew older I found the hangovers far yo hard to embrace, to the point I would have to drink more and everyday for at least for days until the anxiety wore off, then when my back started playing up I found myself at the doctors being diagnosed with depression so I started being heavily medicated from prescription drugs Tramadol, Pregabalin, Duluxotine, Sertraline, Mirtazapine and Omeprizal, this led my to stop drinking, cold turkey style, it was tough, but I was in far to much pain to care, over the years I have become more confused and I believe sphychsis maybe setting in and I hade started to realise all the Darkness that has and does happen to me, bur also all of the wrong things I do, which to others. Last summer to help with my Chronic mental pain I started using cannabis as a way to cope (and as a last resort to save my relationship with my wonderful wife to be) the first couple of times I was 15 and panicking until tge cannabis helped me realise another perception, a place where the voices stop, a place when my tense and stressed body starts to actually relaxe, but it's costly and illegal in the UK, but all those other drugs the NHS prescribe me are extremely costly and deadly, but that's ok?!!! Why can't they allow me 1 maybe 2 plants a year so I can use it as a medicine and would cost the NHS hardly anything in comparison, would I qualify??

  2. Thank you ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช I think it's time to move with the times instead of taking harmful drugs ๐Ÿ’Š there is a less harmful drug namely Cannabis thanks guys ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ

  3. It is now Feb 22 … I am Canadian and after 3-years of legalization there has been no problems of serious concern. I was not a user prior but have found it beneficial for my healthcare issues. I buy a specific brand from a local government cannabis retail store at a cost of $50 CAD or 34.8 Euro for 15gm. There is cheaper brands available and many far more expensive but this works for me and I tolerate its harshness. Cheers.

  4. I lived in Hawai'i for almost (8) years and it was everywhere. But now I live in my Home-
    State – MICHIGAN, USA!!! Where it is now LEGAL. My last name is Rร–HL, and I am of partial German decent and therefore am hopeful for this Amazing Countries LEGALISATION – Yeah ! ! ! !

  5. Forget it. Legalisation is a topic once every 4 years to advertise german politics. As far as i know its been used since 20 years and nothing changed.

  6. What an absolutely fantastic advance for the cannabis industry, bravo Germany, it should have happened at least 30 years ago. To help not only the people who were threatened with a criminal record, but also the economy. It will do a lot to enrich neighborhoods and services for people. NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE WHO OF EUROPE AND BEYOND TO DO THE SAME.

  7. Was fรผr ein absolut fantastischer Fortschritt fรผr die Cannabisindustrie, bravo Deutschland, er hรคtte vor mindestens 30 Jahren passieren mรผssen. Um nicht nur den Menschen zu helfen, die von einer Vorstrafe bedroht waren, sondern auch der Wirtschaft. Es wird viel dazu beitragen, Nachbarschaften und Dienstleistungen fรผr die Menschen zu bereichern. JETZT IST ES ZEIT FรœR DAS WHO VON EUROPA UND DARรœBER HINAUS, DAS SELBE ZU TUN.

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