1. The only thing that works for my mom's Alzheimers behaviors. This would wreck my family. They are evil if they make it illegal It's already proven to have so many benefits.

  2. How is it that one can go to an ABC store in NC and purchase a gallon of 100-proof vodka yet THC is somehow "bad" for health and society? Are they blind to the destruction alcohol causes to society (namely families) and personal health? I can't help to believe such prohibitions have zero to do with perceived dangers and everything to do with money. I'm a conservative republican and even I can see how backwards this is.

    Here's an idea: Allow the hemp-derived products to carry on as they are, legalize real (IE "unadulterated") marijuana, regulate it like alcohol and tax it like tobacco. As such, the State would have a responsible way to keep marijuana out of the wrong hands (if sold in stores such as our current ABC shops) and with a new cash cow, more revenue can go towards Law Enforcement, family assistance/drug recovery programs, et al.

    As things are now, NC lacks any ability to control quality and quantity of illegal marijuana coming in. Obviously, this poses a risk to the constituents of NC who chose to partake of marijuana. Isn't this akin to parent telling their kids not to play outside as the only space to do so is a busy road? Rather, wouldn't it be prudent for the "parent" to provide a safe place to for the "kids to play", because as we all know… kids will be kids.

  3. Hemp, CBD, THC would bring in billions that this state loses through bullshit churches that dont even pay taxes but those priest are living millionaire life styles while manipulating "followers" to keep those pockets full.

  4. Dumb. Hemp is a smarter solution for many things like the economy, farming industry, shipping industry, building homes, insulation, clothes, textiles, food, cooking oil, paper products, biofuel, industrial textiles, diapers, medicine, mattresses, paint, cement, fix the roads and other infrastructure, body care, and would save rainforests/ecosystems/endangered species by reducing the need for palm oil.

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