1. this video could be alot better. can you do another more detailed video on cannabis (maybe dont call it marijuana cuz thats actually a derogatory term designed to create stigma)

  2. Please do a new one and with the ends-cannabinoid system, you guys put out great content but this is gonna a disgrace to the medical value of Cannabis. Thank you!💚 Love, Cannabolix

  3. Cool vid…but there are a few things that are a little off. Not quite right. Not the entire truth. A bit off plumb. Not sure how to fully explain what I am trying to convey here. But its not 100% right. And that hurts my heart just a little, because before I took these people at face value, and correct. Now I am put in the position of 'fact checking' SciShow just to be sure about something they said, that I found interesting. Rats.

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