Maine: Various Marijuana Bills Become Law Absent Gov. Mills’ Signature

Several marijuana-related bills became law this week absent the signature of Democratic Gov. Janet Mills.

The first bill, LD 1827, authorizes licensed marijuana retailers to provide for home deliveries to those age 21 or older. Under the law, retailers may deliver a variety of products to customers, including immature marijuana plants and seedlings. The measure also allows customers to engage in the curbside pick-up of cannabis products.

The second bill, LD 1928, provides expanded legal protections for the designated caregivers of medical cannabis patients and provides physicians with the ability to consult with their patients and issue cannabis authorizations via telehealth, among other changes.

The third bill, LD 1928, seeks to promote greater diversity in the cannabis industry by repealing prohibitions on the hiring of applicants with past criminal convictions for certain marijuana offenses.

All three measures became law on April 26.

A separate marijuana-related measure, LD 1195, was signed into law by the Governor. It provides for the opportunity for localities to receive financial reimbursements for the costs associated with licensing and regulating cannabis businesses. That law took effect on April 20.

Commenting on the enactment of the new laws, NORML’s State Policies Manager Jax James said, “These common-sense changes will further facilitate patients’ and others’ access to medical cannabis products and will provide opportunities for greater inclusivity within Maine’s licensed marijuana industry.”

Additional information on pending marijuana-related legislation is available from NORML’s ‘Take Action’ Center.

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