Marijuana and Surgery? Think Again Before Anesthesia (2022 update)

So my patient coming in for hip replacement is squirming around a little and looks uneasy. I’m thinking this isn’t just normal …


  1. I smoked 6 days ago and i was a heavy smoker. I used to smoke 3-4 joints a day and i have a surgery coming in few days. Should i cancel it ?

  2. My doctor at hospital told me not to stop taking my medical cannabis because it would cause withdrawls and i am prescribed by a doctor. The hospital seem to shrug it off and say that I just need a higher dose and i will be fine , they want me to stay on it. Come in and have my thyroid surgery done do you think that cannabis is really that bad to have during surgery when it calms the patients?

  3. This was a great video. My 26 yr old has Dysautonomia & Epilepsy along with severe depression & anxiety. Last time he had an EGD/Colonoscopy (he was bleeding & coughing up blood) I told the anesthesiologist that he was a heavy marijuana user & had Dysautonomia, to which she replied, “what’s that?”
    May I just say that since we have access to 24/7/365 information in our hands, we should NEVER tell a patient we don’t know what their disease, syndrome or illness even is???!!! My son has medical ptsd from the hospital almost killing him and telling him for almost 10 years that he wasn’t passing out, seizing or anything else and that his depression & anxiety were causing all of it. Even after I said my mother in law has POTS (Dysautonomia) and my father in law’s brother had Epilepsy! Now my son is very sick, can’t work, we’ve fought disability for nearly 2 years — all because drs DO NOT listen!

    When the anesthesiologist put my son under for the GI process, she knew he had NCS (Dysautonomia) and Epilepsy & was a chronic marijuana user. They had my son so sedated that I could hear a male dr SCREAMING his first name (he goes by his middle name) and he was grabbing my sons shoulder (after a 3 month stint with broken clavicle) and was pulling his entire right side of body up & off bed continuously hollering his name, saying WAKE UP NOW, and violently shaking him. I went to nurses station (obviously everyone in the waiting area could hear the screaming) and said I hear someone SCREAMING at my son to WAKE UP, and I want to go back IMMEDIATELY or I’m calling our attorney & the police! That idiot had overdosed my son (who only weighed 115 at 24) and I overheard the dr say to a nurse they may have to Narcan him. I stood there talking softly to him, using his correct name & said, “ok buddy we are done & can go home. The dogs need to go out (his SD) and baby is upset & worried about her daddy.” He began to come around. I filed complaints on both the nurse, GI doc who was practically breaking his clavicle again cuz THEY overdosed him after I told them EVERYTHING!
    I love your content, and as a chronic pain patient myself & 2 spinal implants & 1 explant- I really enjoy your knowledge & compassion for your patients! I so wish we could find drs like you at EVERY hospital in every town. ♥️

  4. Great video!!! Would you be able to do a video on anesthesia on someone who is on a methadone maintenance program? I need a major orthopedic surgery but I’m scared because I’ve been on methadone for 3 years but am scared to go under anesthesia because of it. Keep up your great work!

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