Medical Marijuana for Neuropathy (Nerve Pain)

Neuropathy, a condition caused by nerve damage, can cause patients excruciating amounts of pain. Robert of Mill Valley, CA is …


  1. I would love too get off my meds medical Marijuana is legal in all in Ohio but but I was at the smoke shop and the recommended something called Delta 8 which is available like in their store bar I called my pain management and asked if this was something I could do and was I allowed to take it they said no if I found it really funny because as they have no standards on alcohol which can be purchased in the store also the Delta 8 can be purchased in the smoke shop with no issues II tried at once it did help a ton So now I'm at a loss for what to do do I talk to my pain management and try aint management and try to see if I can get them to work with me or is it going to be impossible because when I asked the question could I take the Delta 8 which I found over the counter it was a big deal with just the receptionist on the phone I didn't even have the doctor or a nurse so what are my rights what can I do and if I use the Delta 8 Can they take away the meds I currently take eh I would like to get off of them but them but I am so confused right now right now I suffer from Pastrol orthostatic technical CA you a syndrome fibromyalgia Reynolds arthritis arthritis and a whole bunch of other stuff the medication that I take is trauma gabapentin in lyrica and I do take something for sleep So I live in Ohio if you have any advice I would love to hear it because I because I have always been against marijuana marijuana but now that I'm sick and I tried it it works very well for me and I am willing to take the plunge and get off all the other meds

  2. Hi Dr Patel, thanks for the video. My mum has had peripheral neuropathy for several years caused by type 2 diabetes. How can I order or get a prescription of medical marijuana for her. By the way she live overseas in east Africa. Thank again.

  3. Hi,from india
    Am having cervical pain because had an accident 3 years back. Right now am on medication from last 7 months.
    Still having pain and headach when I do little work.
    Can smoking weed will help me.
    And weed is ban in india.
    Can you help me.

  4. Dear Dr Patel, I’ve been told CBD oil is good for lowering anxiety but not so much for nerve pain, however THC Oil is good for reducing nerve pain. Is this correct? Writing for my wife who has experience chronic nerve pain for 5 years +. Thank you in advance for your response
    Leigh from
    Sydney Australia

  5. dr patel ihave had a stroke,2011 my medications runs me unbalanced with my axiety,ihad used dr opiads,made me more sick,it lead me with distrubing sugar in my blood,ihad gone through the mills in life,it helps me,withmy eating,medication make me unconfortable, me relax tosleep,living in a nation which is illegal,makes,me choose,myhealth or law,imanage well,with m/c.iam67yrs,never used it or sen it,the medicalvalue,is great,unreconized,iam worried,my precribe medication may damage my organs onlong run,i have chosen to use m/c ,ilive alone,independently,my b/p meds and axiety meds ,hasmademe ,withmy insulin,on the long run may end me with other organ damage,its like waiting for a death sentence,using m/c
    which take all my income,it a plant,waiting for legalisation,hope fully,its the natural product with many potasium benefits, thankyou dr,

  6. For my wife who has suffered with poly neuropathy for a few months now, she has been prescribed a number of meds–hydrocodone being one of them. She is worried that using marijuana (in a state where it is still illegal) will show up on the monthly urinalysis she must submit to in order to continue being prescribed hydrocodone. Is this a drug they test for?

  7. Dr. Patel I have neurophaty pain so severe it's taking over my life. Would it be possible to speak with you? I have been on Gabpentine for years. My memory is leaving me. I have bought a couple kinds of the CBD oils but unsure strengths, dosage etc. I would be glad to come to your clinic or whatever you recommend. Please help me. I can message my phone number.

  8. I have cervical spondylosis, which causes nerve pain in my back between my left shoulder blade and spine. Can CBD from hemp help with that pain, or must it be a medical marijuana with some THC to address it?

  9. for crps i have been taking 5 drops 3 times per day without improvement, can I up the dose to lets say 10 drops per dosis? its a 30ml bottle 1500mg

  10. I have had Peripheral Neuropathy for 3 years now. I am 33 now. It has been life altering and horrific. The pain started as shooting pains in my feet and hands randomly. 4 or 5 times a day. Then it progressed significantly. Shooting pain constantly then it evolved into about 5 or 6 different kinds of pain until the ultimate pain which was the burn. Burn in my hands and feet. Worse in the evenings and nights. I was getting 1-3 hours of sleep a night while working 40-50 hour weeks. It wasn’t living what I was doing, i was barely existing. My mental health suffered greatly as well. At 33 not being able to do anything with my husband, purchased a wheelchair, cant walk more than 2 minutes at a time. I thought my life was basically over. And my husband kept asking me to smoke marijuana but i refused. I have never even smoked a cigarette so it was out of the question. There was one night, it was like 3:30 am and I had to be up in 2 hours for work. I was in bed crying and crying. My husband woke up, held me. Got me water, rubbed my legs and feet. He is so supportive and I felt i owed it to him and to myself to at least try it. I refuse to smoke it but i broke down and asked him to get me an edible and I would be willing to try it. That next day he came thru and got me some. I was scared. But i tried it. Didn’t work right away but about 2 hours later I started feeling this electric current in my legs and feet. It was like electricity was zapping away all the areas where i had pain. It was insane to me I literally couldn’t believe it as it was happening and probably would have never believed if someone else had told me it would happen like that. It was incredible. I am not saying it took my pain 100%. But a good 90%. The burning was gone. Pain went from a 10 to a 1 or 2. I could sleep. I could go out. Still cant walk as much because of the weakness in my feet and my hands r very very weak. But i am virtually pain free. And i am so grateful. I hope others can keep an open mind because I never thought i would be in this position and i am so thankful.

  11. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia type 1 and type 2. I have been using daily the original strength Charlotte Web for the past 6 months. It has worked very for the type 2 which is currently constant burning, aching but no jabs. I recently developed the type 1 with jabbing severe pain. I will have 50 jabs an hour. But the CBD which I use had 97%% CBD and 3% THC. It does nothing to ease that frightening painful jabs. Do you think that medical marijuana could reduce the intensity of each jab? This is a horrible disease to have hanging over my head the rest of my life. I am 68 now, but it started when I was 62. I do use gabapentin compound cream along with tricycle antidepressant – Doxipen along with CBD oil.

  12. Don't be hustled, cut out the greedy middle man. Buy hemp buds straight from the farms. I tried 3 brands of oils sold over the web, all 3 had high reviews, every kind of medical lab purity testing and claimed to all be the very best available. After finishing off each bottle none of them had worked on my chronic pain, anxiety or peripheral neuropathy even when I tripled the dose of the 300mg strength. Only effect was wild dreams. I really wanted to stop taking gabapentin so in a last desperate move I ordered pure industrial hemp flower buds from an online site and farm based in Oregon. HOLY CRAP, this stuff tastes, smells and smokes exactly like high grade skunk weed pot! You absolutely could sell it to potheads who would have no idea it was hemp until they figured out the buzz lasts only 2 minutes. I had not savored that mouth watering flavor in over 30 years. But it is totally legal in all 50 states, having a very low THC content but 17% pure CDB oil by weight. It is sold by the gram, only the lower potency clippings are sold by the ounce or pound. It was shipped in neatly sealed foil lined pouches fast in US mail. I am not shilling for them, try any brand of hemp you find. I found it harsh on the throat from a pipe so I tried eating it, long lasting effect when breaking up a pea sized chunk of a bud into my food twice a day. It completely stops my neuropathy but makes it hard to fall asleep if taken too close to bed time, that's probably just me, a light sleeper.

  13. What would you suggest for severe Peripheral Neuropathy for me to use in a Tincture as a ratio in CBD/THC please? I do not have much in funding to experiment and cannot smoke/inhale in any way. Thank you.

  14. Hi Dr. I have diskdegenarative desease so I have a nerve pinching in my hip area, I use CBD for the inflammation, it's working slowly now I started taking THC at night my question is that ok and should I continue. Will my pain go away.

  15. I would like to try CBD oil and I have a prescription from my. family doctor because I live in Washington. Currently I am on opioids for spinal stenosis, my tail bone pain, and Pudendal pain. My question is will it show up in the drug testing as per the pain contract. I am suffering because they cut my opioid prescription in half and am terrified that they will take it away permanently, while I am trying CBD oil!

  16. Hello, My mom has cancer in her liver that is causes her side pain, she is currently going through immunotherapy. There is the pain on her right side a lot of the time will topical application cannabis help with pain management. From what I understand the liver itself does not have nerves but the tumor is pushing on some to cause pain in that area, If you could help with any information on this would so greatly be appreciated,

  17. I have chronic neck pain after a car crash and head injury 8 years ago. I also have ulnar neuropathy. I can't take nsaids since I have high blood pressure and I tried neurontin but it made my legs swell
    To balloons. I'm new to this but do you think I would have a chance to get approved? I'm losing hope

  18. I have crohns disease from the past 7 years I know I need CBD oil and thc oil both 50/50 ratio I have heard many research saying that this ratio helps fix the most complicated case in crohns history. I beg you please help me get the oil.. I only have a high thc oil at the moment it only helps me with the pain and nothing else so I am still suffering very badly.

  19. I take Venlafaxine (Effexor) for my diabetic neuropathy… I have 0 pain and maybe every once in a while I will get a tingle here or there, but it doesn't hurt. The problem is the withdrawl… if I miss a pill, then as the effexor wears off I get headaches, my head just pulses bad, I feel sick… ugh. I hate it. But even that is better than the neuropathy. As long as I don't miss a pill, I have no noticeable side effects.

  20. I have neuropathy & arthritis in feet too & I'm constant pain. The only way to relieve it is smoking it. I'm not taking any painpillls. They make me sick & dizzy..

  21. Thank you for a good clinical discussion on the effectiveness of Medical Marijuana. (MM) I have cronic cervical nerve damage which was not remediated by a 3 disk fusion. I have been managing with opioids, Gabapentin and tizanidine. My pain specialist just suggested MM. So I've been researching all of it. Your post was very helpful.

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