1. 29:43 – the phytocannabinoids so effect our endocannabinoid system they perform in the ECS as essential fatty acyls ! how is that possible ? phytocannabinoids are meroterpinoids ( terpenophenolic lipids) .Also, eating seed oil from hemp provides essential fatty acids .

  2. 29:23 – N arachidonoylethanolamine ( AEA / Anandamide)- 2 Arachidonoylglycerol ( 2-AG) ….
    this is about the besty way to explain @ this point – THC biomimics Anandamide and CBD mimics 2-AG … Anandamide more for cb1 ( central nervous system) and 2-AG for the immune system ( cb2). out own endocannabinoids are created from essential fatty acids we consume in diet … our cells will absorb them from diets and later make signaling events ( cannabinoid signaling) with them @ the moment of need ( depolarization induced signaling / Retrograde )

  3. 14:54 – A Doctor !????? what doctor is taught to know plants ( especuially illegal cannabis plants !!) ????????? what medical school ? what course ? we do not need to turn to doctors for plants !!!!!!!!

  4. Cannabis has been working wonderfully for my Rheumatoid Arthritis! I stopped Biological injection three years now. I only use Indica never Sativa. Please read on the difference of strain. Sativa makes you get a head high definitely not for me. The Indica has higher CBD so it helps me with sleep and pain. Unfortunately CBD does not help me to sleep. Maybe the dose was to low. I
    No longer take any meds. I’m now doing cold plunging as well.

  5. I understand your frustration and am sorry I could not be of service to you. I absolutely would if I could – Amazon does not allow third party sellers access to this information. It is only available through Amazon's customer service team if requested by you personally. We are unable to make the request on your behalf.

    I respect your decision to unsubscribe and appreciate you allowing us to provide you with product and education while we could. This is a direct line to our customer service team if we may be of any further assistance to you.

    Andrew | Consumer Advocate

  6. And then you lose the gun rights going to a doctor for a script! Then government controls us, no matter what we do! So get it illegal and risk jail. Still controlled!

  7. That being said, for the US government by the criminal pharma and for the criminal big pharma and corrupt doctors and scientists, Mother Nature does not exist. That is why monsters like Bill Gates are working on making GMO hemp. Nature is seen as an enemy by the FDA CDC EPA USDA criminals. You are kidding yourself if you think these crooks will allow cannabis grown by Mither Nature as a drug. Never ! As long as THE MEDICAL MAFIA cant have a patent on it.

  8. I wish Dr. Goldstein discussed how great cannabis oil is for skin disorders like psoriasis, dermatitis, wrinkles etc. Trythe oil on your skin, you won't be sorry!😀

  9. I'll use the cbd oil and cream externally for aches & pain, but I tend to shy away from cbd capsules or anything taken internally
    How can I be sure the cbd caps ingredients are safe and effective to ingest?

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