1. Yet they have no issue with actual hard drugs that are describe by doctors that kill people everyday. It's a joke 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  2. Makes literally zero sense to legalize in some areas and not in others, we may be making bank
    selling to Texans but the Texas Government is going to make bank with them crime fees.

  3. I see that TX will do the same thing NE, KS and OK did along the Colorado border, send spy's to do lic. plate monitoring….then bust upon crossing state lines….a real money maker….

  4. fun fact, cops here in texas dont give a shit if you smoke weed, just dont act like a dealer, and dont drive high. Treat it like alcohol, Look at the deaths in NM from drivers lately. I'm all for legalizing weed, and a lot of other things, aslong as people understand that cars kill more people than guns.

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