1. Next time please focus your camera when showing the leaves, can't see shit on a blurry leaf.. otherwise very informative altho I still don't know what I'm looking for due to a blurry leaf

  2. I don't know if flushing is good advice because plants work their wastes to the upper part of the soil. You will flush them again in the soil.

  3. This is a good test however, You are best catching the run off by lifting the plant, I see a lot of high readings of run off due to Salts being dried in the catch plate under the plant after the last feed and the water has been evaporated leaving behind the salts doubling your PPM reading. Just be aware of this. catch the runoff don't measure the ppm in the catch plate .

  4. Someone help please so when u start a flush example last 10 to 14 day flush pre harvest , how many times do you a tually flush it ? Do u let it dry out in-between each flush?

  5. I just done this with monster bloom. I forgot I had placed a spoon around the base in a magic stoner moment when I thought โ€œAHHHH Thatโ€™s a good ideaโ€
    Wether it was or wasnโ€™t I have no idea but what is a bad idea is to then add a soluble solution of monster bloom right on top of those granules I added to the coco earlier.
    I shat me pants the next morning.
    Thank you for thorough explanation I now feel empowered to fix the problem ๐Ÿ‘

  6. Switch to organic ferts & nutes you don't have to worry about flushing.

    Flushing is a hassle and it is wasteful. I too did it in the past and to this day it stands as my biggest regret regarding my 20+ years of experience in this field.

    When you stop adding salt to the root mass of your plants, then there is nothing to flush… Thus no need to water with run off while growing either, which again is wasteful and no need to collect the drained water from the pot trays, which again just adds to the hassle and increases the RH inside the grow room. Your pots and trays are always calcified due to the salt build up and will need to be cleaned again with a chemical solution of some sort after every harvest if not multiple times throughout the grow! (depending on how much salt one dumps to his plants, of course.)

    Using synthetic ferts & nutes, with all due respect, is a retarded practice at the end of the day especially when you consider the fact that it costs more money, time and energy. In addition to all of this, your plants' terpene development, which should be the number one priority of every grower, is inferior to those of grown with organic ferts and nutes. What a bad deal, ha!

  7. Thatโ€™s so wild, Iโ€™ve been growing and Iโ€™m not gonna lie I checked my runoff ppm because I was curious of what it would be. With both of my plants having no signs of trouble my ppm was at 3000. Think it would be a good idea to do a gradual flush all the way to harvest? Iโ€™m between first and second week of flower.

  8. Great flushing video tutorial and the way you broke down the PPMโ€™s and TDS meters. A lot of growers miss checking the TDS levels and man those are really important too keep up on ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒฑ

  9. omg mine is totally over fed and has those brown copper dots all over and leaves are clawing i did a flush and i was at 3700 ppm! too much compost tea and too much gaia greens bloom ๐Ÿ™

  10. Very very good video..question..how long after you flush plants do you add back nutrients and if i add cal mag alone in tap water to flush do I ph the solution before using it to flush ..my tap water is normally 150 to 200ppm and I'm growing outdoors in TH-1Promix..and info will be greatly appreciated.

  11. Wow thanks for the great advice. Im currently using miracle grow plant food. I have not devolped any nutritant deficiencies yet.I will keep an eye out . and. Waight for the results and and flush if necessary! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒŠ

  12. You've got a new subscriber here!!hit my channel up too. I don't have any subscribers LOL maybe you can give me some insight on my 5×4 thanks man

  13. not sure if you're still doing these, but this samples you took when the plant was on the two by fours is the correct reading, we never want to use a simple from the plants over-watering dish. You'll definitely get a better reading while water is being flushed out of your plants, as you have done.

  14. you did edit the video… you could atleast make a photo of the leaf you are showing, because i dont know what you were seeing in the editor feed but the leaves have no focus on them at all. for the next time, if there will be a next time ๐Ÿ˜€ here is a tip on autofocus… in this situation the AF was focusing on your face because the leaves did not block your face, all you have to do is add a backround to the leaf and block the camera from seeing far away which is where its focus is at, this could be done with just a hand/palm behind the leaf or as simple as paper behind the leaf ๐Ÿ™‚

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