Pomegranate Health Benefits Are INSANE | Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Health Benefits Are INSANE | Benefits of Pomegranate Juice The pomegranate is a superfood with insane health …


  1. He doesn't tell us how to eat a pomegranate. Are we supposed to chew and swallow the seeds or swallow them whole? Or spit them out, in which case there isn't much left to swallow.

  2. Am from Guwahati, Assam, India. By God's grace I am eating pomegranates daily and since the last week from morning to afternoon 12 pm , my breakfast includes only pomegranates – 400 grams and bananas – 100 grams and I have been feeling very sprightly and lively!!! Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ!!! And doubly thanks to you dear doctor for your informative message.

  3. Hadn't had this fruit since I was a kid. Would devour them because they were so good. Who knew that I was positively contributing to my health. Guess this will be going back on my grocery list.

  4. In Asia Pomegranate is a daily consumption along with many nutrient base fruits that provides several health benefits. As kids we would pick all the exotic organic fruits from the trees. They were always organic and naturally juicy.

  5. In Many “3rd World” countries the people have been eating this highly nourishing fruit for centuries. It’s interesting that in recent years 1st World countries (US) is discovering the health benefits of fruits & veggies from under developed countries. Culturally certain ethic groups don’t suffer with medical conditions as many Americans do. So under developed countries with their centuries of agricultural way of daily life makes for healthy people. Unlike in the US with foods made artificially.

  6. So I went out and brought some pomegranate yesterday from (Whole Foods.).. I took 4/oz. in a glass not 8 oz. And a little water packed with ice
    that night my bladder went into a full loaded spasm I haven't had an infection like that in over 30 yrs. I got up I took 2/ tyenold / had some yogart. and

    each time I would use the restroom it would burn. Oh my Goddness. So every time I release. I would drink a full cup of water. I must have had about
    15 cups before it finally decided to calm down. Also I had a rash on my left arm. I will never ever do that again. Now Im sure other's have taken
    this with no problem. I will not call my Doctor for she is an Md. She will call in for me to take some antibiotics. I just wanted to reach out to you

    After seeing you on utube.. Again others may have taken this with no problem. But I was so sick. Have you ever had any of your patients to react
    differently from this. What do you think could have cause this reaction so badly?

    Thank you


  7. Pomegranate juice is a top pick to beat belly bulge. ———————–

    Chief among juices for its slimming prowess is pomegranate juice.

    "One of the best ways to beat belly fat is to lower chronic inflammation since it has been shown to stimulate weight gain and may be particularly linked with belly fat because it raises cortisol, a.k.a. 'the belly fat hormone,'" say The Nutrition Twins. "Cortisol causes you to store more fat, especially around the waist."

    "Thanks to its potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that fight destructive free radicals, pomegranate juice is just what you want to sip if you're trying to beat inflammation and the belly fat that comes with it," they say.

    Better yet, pomegranate juice has lots of other health benefits beyond helping you squeeze into your skinny jeans.

    "Its antioxidants are so powerful that they've been shown to do everything from reduce inflammatory activity in breast cancer cells, colon cancer cells, and the digestive tract; reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity; fight against bacteria and fungus; improve memory; and possibly even protect against Alzheimer's disease," The Nutrition Twins say. "Add that antioxidants in pomegranate juice have been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the dipping that can lead to overeating and weight gain too, this deliciously tart and sweet drink is just what your flat-belly ordered!"

    How to drink pomegranate juice for abdominal fat loss.

    The Nutrition Twins recommend people include pomegranate juice as part of their regular routine several times a week to consistently get the antioxidants into their diet. "Look for 100% pomegranate juice (no added anything)," they further comment.

    On that note—do we really have to tell you?—we're off to raise a glass of this nutrient-dense beverage.

  8. God , is a perfect God , He gives us everything we need for our health
    Deuteronomy 8:8 A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and POMEGRANATES; a land of olive trees with oil and honey

  9. I was cured of genital herpes some months ago after I was tested positive. I was recommended to a doctor called dr momoh on youtube channel who helped me cure the virus with some natural herbal remedies . am so happy now. He treats different ailments too..

  10. I don't understand. I knew this in 80's that pomegranates are antiaging fruit and especially for cholesterol lowering and heart health, but not for diabetes of course. He is talking as if they just found it out.

  11. Thank you Dr. I have been following your videos and the updates about health care are laudable. Please clarify about Fructose metabolism which is bothering everyone and I am scared of looking at Pomogranite and Watermelon though those are amazingly beneficial to the body.. Please throw some light on this too 🙏

  12. Too bad they're too hard to deal with. They're a pain to eat, and the juice is both expensive and a concentration of sugar. Pre separated pomegranate seeds are also expensive. I wonder if their's a good pomegranate powder similar to super beets?

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