1. I wont be spending a dime in these places. As i said in my last comment, im 1 of those folks thats been arrested, jailed & has a criminal record for this stuff so i dont see much reason to be excited over this being legal. Its bittersweet, if anything.

  2. Everybody out here enjoying their legal weed at the expense of myself & others who've had our lives negatively impacted. Think about us everytime you set foot in these dispensaries.

  3. Weed is legal in NY they just haven't figured things out to the degree of having legal establishments selling it. While there may be some questions about bringing in weed that hasn't been taxed by NY, it is doubtful there will be any real energy put into enforcement.

  4. Yes exactly what society needs legalized drugs our youth isnt stupid enough the government wants to profit on societies stupidity and create walking zombies

  5. So a majority is owned by a minority that reflects the population? Either they aren’t a minority in regards to the population, or, a majority minority owned would not be equitable, nor would it reflect the population if they are In fact a minority in the population

  6. Can I get my money back from the government for all the times they arrested me and I had to bond out, or the time they put me on probation for a joint and I lost my car, will any of that be given back to me….πŸ€”

  7. It's 2022. Why is weed still an issue? It's gotten me out of so many slumps. Wise use heals the mind.

    Still waiting on New Hampshire to get with the program. At least Maine and Massachusetts are right next door.

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