Road Trip In Lesotho: Africa's First Legal Cannabis Cultivation | Cannabis News Network

Fields Of Green for All, a Johannesburg legalisation non profit, took a road trip down into Lesotho for Cannabis News Network for …


  1. Lesotho may be an impoverished country financially but it has some wonderfully eloquent and intelligent young people by the sounds of it. They also have some great cannabis and the perfect environment to grow it. With a little help I think they are going to do alright in the coming decades.πŸ’š

  2. Marijuana is no substitute for food. Afghanistan despite the vast poppie plantations cannot feed their population, the Country faces food insecurity. There is little to support claims that cannabis is a cure for common ailments, the effects of cannabis merely make the inevitable more tolerable for those susceptible to its effects.
    The majority of South Africans will experience little benefit from this industry. imho.

  3. I saw the border sign in Lesotho saying bon voyage. I didn't think they would need a French sign since it's a Sesotho and English speaking country.

  4. Im fed up with big government big pharma walking in and setting up shop. Fuck them , leave the everyday man alone. You criminals called us criminals. Now you want to charge phenomenal high price for garbage. Fuck off stick to you oil and weopons. Leave the cannabis to the people not. MONSANTO Like companies. Now called Bayer, its Nazi. Look it up Bayer its a Nazi Germany Drug Research company . Involves more than just drugs.

  5. Good but the man made climate change thing the handicap fellow is working with, is not backed by science. There is natural climate change though.

  6. Hemp investment exploits a loophole allowing African growth! Zimbabwe has just legalized growing marijuana for medicinal and research purposes — and several other African governments are considering tapping into the lucrative natural resource too.
    More than 100,000 tons of cannabis are produced on the continent each year, 10 times the amount reported a decade ago according to a UN survey, which advocates believe could be worth trillions of dollars in a rapidly expanding global market for legal weed and release many African nations from European debt in the process.
    Until recently African governments had not yet followed the trend of legalization seen in Europe and the Americas. However last year, Lesotho became the continent's first country to offer legal licenses to grow marijuana, signaling a wider shift toward more liberal policies. Not to mention the 65000 products that hemp industry can create and the entrepreneurial investments therein.
    From Morocco to South Africa, there is growing interest in cashing in on a valuable crop! Lesotho
    The tiny, landlocked nation has few natural resources. But Lesotho is a giant of the marijuana trade.
    "Cannabis is grown almost everywhere in the country," a UNESCO report found, noting the industry is a leading contributor to the economy in a country plagued by poverty. Much of this comes through illicit trade with Lesotho's larger, richer neighbor, South Africa.The government has now signaled its intentions to bring the business out of the shadows by awarding the first license for cultivation and sale to South African alternative medicine company Verve Dynamics. Zimbabwe
    The southern African country has become the second nation on the continent to legalize the production of marijuana for scientific and medicinal use.Known locally as "mbanje," Zimbabweans can now apply for a license to cultivate marijuana.Previously, possessing, growing or using cannabis in Zimbabwe was illegal, and could come with sentences of up to 12 years in jail.The renewable license permits companies and individuals to produce marijuana for five years. Malawi
    Malawi is well known for the prevalence and quality of marijuana production within its borders, including the sought after "Malawi Gold" strain.The government is now cultivating hemp on a trial basis,Hemp textile investments are also a major focus of this nation! Ghana
    Ghanaians are heavy consumers of marijuana, according to the UNODC, which is prohibited but widely tolerated.A pro-legalization campaign has been gathering momentum in recent years, with support from the former head of the Narcotics Control Board. The movement recently received another boost when the executive director of the Ghana Standards Authority suggested that state-led cultivation and export of marijuana could generate valuable income in areas of cattle feed, pharmaceuticals and by expanding export of hemp foods to China!. Swaziland
    The continent's last absolute monarchy is plagued by poverty, but boasts an abundance of marijuana.
    Prominent public figures have suggested using the Hemp and canabis crop to boost the economy, including Swaziland's housing and development minister, while the national commissioner of police has called for a study.If this goes through the average citizen could see AN ANNUAL REVENUE INCREASE 30 TIMES THE CURRENT RATE! Several legal battles are ongoing over the future of Cannabis in South Africa. The Dagga Party won a landmark ruling this year to permit smoking in the home on privacy grounds, without changing the legal status of the herb.
    The so-called "dagga couple" Julian Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke are going further in seeking the right to grow and consume marijuana, which could establish a far-reaching precedent.
    The South African government has already published guidelines for medical marijuana, paving the way for legal licenses. Simultaneously hempcrete as a building material is expanding nationally with several world acknowledged building and housing projects including a community center showing the value of this highly sought resource! Some African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France 50 years after their independence. This system has been calledan abomination destined to keep African countries poor forever but hemp and cannabis have afforded these nations a loophole to build infrastructure and escape debt! France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billions dollars from Africa to its treasury year in year out. But creating an agricultural infrastructure with Hemp can insulate and keep profit and materials for wealth in these former colonies. By requiring as the US once did that all farmers farm Hemp on part of their land to support the nation the hemp could be used for thousands of infrastructure building projects including construction, health,clothing,and food supplies as well as cattle feed!Also French banks cannot request profit from cannabis as it is still illegal and would open the door for massive reforms in hemp and cannabis expansion they are unwilling to make

  7. I'm sorry but I don't think it's "cool" to legalize something that has clearly proved hazardous in states that already tried legalizing dagga.

    I think you are exploiting people with false information and risking the lives of the youth of SA by your propaganda and promoting the legalization of drug abusers under the so-called guise of "medicinal" even as it might be your right to harm your lungs with the smoke and tar of dagga and also your right to damage whatever sensible brain cells you might have left – The SA Gov. has the right to protect the drivers on the road and the youth of SA. And you must be held accountable for spreading a bias on dagga – there is a negative to it and just because it has not happened to you YET. does NOT mean it never will or it won't affect the youth.

  8. This could proove to be an invaluable asset in the fight against poverty, if sustainably produced, both for resources as well as medicine.
    Lets hope for the best!

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