The American Opioid Crisis Explained | Louder with Crowder

Joe Biden’s border crisis is more than just illegal immigration. It’s responsible for an increase in opioid overdoses, as well.


  1. My almost brother in law, a white kid from a rural area, grew up in a really bad home where they delt drugs and he never touched them. Then when he got older he had a bunch of health issues. He was in a lot of pain, but because of family history he had issues with getting help. (It was a small town so everyone knew his family's name) they got really behind on bills and got desperate and turned to his family who offered to pay him to move some drugs from one place to another, and offered relief from the pain he was struggling with. Him and my half brother (his partener) got pulled over driving through a school zone with a substantial amount in the car. Mind you we were living several states apart and had no idea they were doing this till they got arrested. They both served two years in jail after a deal to turn on his step dad (the drug dealer). My half brother committed suicide when they got out of jail and then my brother in law started doing drugs again, but this time he just couldnt cope emotionally. It was bad for a while, we didn't know how to help him. Then he almost overdosed one night and he quit and never went back. Now he's living a good life, trying his best with a felony on his record. He's married and has a daughter. He's a great guy who was dealt a really hard life and who made some not so great choices. On the plus side him handing over his step dad ended a major drug ring in the area so there's that.

  2. End the drug war open up pharmacies that u can go buy non laced fentanyl drugs and a large amount of it is a easy suicide so open up suicide booths then ppl won’t Kill themselves at home making gun death and drug death statistics go up

  3. The test came back Mormon. It took me just a second to get that. And I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints who have the nickname Mormon. That was funny!

  4. I started watching dope sick and it was okay. But then I looked up to see how much of it was based in actual truth. When I discovered that the very obviously fake storyline of the woke where the female lesbian minor comes out to her parents and gets kicked out was in fact fake, I stopped watching it. I don't need to see a "documentary" that also adds an unnecessary woakness to help indoctrinate me.

  5. The opioid crisis is a result of the failed war on drugs. Anyone who supports the war on drugs or drug bust photos on Facebook are an enemy to the republic.

  6. the hard part of the opioid crisis is my doctor will not give me any prescription for anything for pain, like perc's, she is worried about addiction and whatever, like i'm going to eat them all or something, i just need them once and a while cause of "real pain" and it helps, i end up buying them anyway on the street

  7. I'm going to be a complete b** here and say that weed is not an innocent drug but rather a very complex drug that is not just one drug but many. No you may not rob a bank but it does start you off. Many people chase high and it just becomes more and more. Not to mention the issues you can get from weed alone. Constant long-term use can cause many disturbing problems. Both mental and physical issues. Let's be real here most people don't just smoke a joint here and there. Most people oh that smoke weed are simply potheads. I don't care if they want to do medical marijuana for people in severe pain but recreational is nonsense. Try to take weed from somebody and see what happens. They may not be violent when they've got it but many are violent when they don't and when they can't find it. It is a complete myth that we does not cause violence. If they can't get their high they can get very violent. Many will sell their crap and by it before they buy other important things. It's not heroin and it's not cocaine or crack. I've seen all of those in use and I know what they do. I also know what weed does. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how innocent it is. If they want to make it legal they need to put the same damn disclaimer that they put on alcohol and tobacco. You know I had a couple beers tonight but I don't have a problem. I don't think I've had a beer in a year. I can still say that alcohol is kind of a problem. I can't admit that it hurts a lot of people. I can't admit all of his bad sides and it really doesn't have many good ones if any at all. It's all right for me because I only drink it when I'm outside during warm weather. Still I can do with it or without it at any given time and I'm sure not going to get violent if you take it away. I'm so damn sick and tired of excuses being made. I love my husband but he was an addict. I watched everything he went through. Weed and whatever else. There was a lot of whatever else through the years even though he was highly functioning. Still it was disturbing and very sad. The way that I dealt with it after I learned that getting angry wasn't doing a whole lot to help. I studied everything that I could. Nah it's not so innocent and even he could admit that. At one time he smoked what he called bunk weed. Then he got this super weed they got everywhere nowadays and he just couldn't stop. He compared it to crack or something else like it. Let me tell you he would know. He didn't deny his issue and he didn't justify it. He was just sick. I don't give a damn what I sound like. Yeah we can make all the excuses we want until it's too late. At one point in time cigarettes were healthy and sexy and some people's opinion.

  8. In as far as I can tell, this is the time of the fentanyl. Walking zombies are unwell, bent and crawling down to hell. See them ramble, see them shake, hear the tragic noise they make. Higher ups give no regards, and cops look on to playing cards. Citizens on danger streets, step with care round acid sheets, and those in pain are left to die, in filth strewn streets their souls will fly.

  9. Opioids crisis: my stepmom drained my Dad's bank accounts over several years to buy opioids through Facebook groups and when she got caught she blew her brains out in the bathtub. My Dad has never been the same since. PTSD, grief, anger.

  10. The doctors don't know shit. People, you don't need opiates ok, deal with the pain. You don't need OXY for a friggin tooth ache or a broken finger. Doctors are like cops, you can't trust them, they don't have your interest at heart

  11. There was the opiod crisis before fentanyl. And, ppl don't start with fentanyl, they start with percs, then oxys, the junk, now there's Fentanyl. You don't know what you're talking about ok. Big pharma was pushing OXY like crazy and hooking tons of ppl. After they get hooked, then they move to junk and fentanyl

  12. Dopesick "the series" is loosely (and I am being kind) on the book. Purdue is a couple of paragraphs in the book. Macy gave up editorial control on her work. Having lost a loved one to a fentanyl od, I found the book a realistic depiction of my perspective of the crisis. There is this place where I live and you can walk and walk out with books and this is the best part, its free.

  13. My husband would be more than happy to never have to take the small amount of drugs designated as opiods just so he can sleep at night. He still deals with a level of pain throughout the day even with that and can't do much of anything or it will aggravate the injuries. Also, surgery isn't an option for him. It's bad enough that his lively hood and ability to do simple things at home was taken from him at a young age, but bad media and deceitful government figures are going after his one way to get a nights sleep.
    Go after the drug dealers, drug lords, and cartel!! Fund the drug stings and get the drugs off the street. He isn't an addict. People who have had previous substance problems are the issue and susceptible, or those looking for a lawsuit so they can get more $$. Why don't we have better or more drug programs, or mental health programs, cause I think that's a big issue too as they look at ways to escape life?
    I'm sure there are bad doctors out there too, and I've met and heard of them with everything my husband went through, but there are good ones if you look hard enough. A lot of the bad ones though are bought and paid for by the big pharma, insurance companies, and yes even government funded locations. Maybe we should look into how much power those have. Yet there are those that need these drugs to be able to go about a semi normal life. Don't take that away from them. It's hard enough for them, and their loved ones who support them. Don't spew misinformation thats skews the real issues.

  14. Go to a Pain management Doctor. The aren't afraid to give you meds, It's what they do. They do have other methods to try and help too. My surgeon sent to Pain Management for more hydrocodone after neck surgery. The do regulate amounts and do pee test to make sure you're not abusing.

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