The BEST Hemp Farming Spots and Routes, Over 5000+ Fiber in an Hour! | New World

Today’s video is all about where you should be farming for hemp aka fiber. This is another one of those highly sought after …


  1. This was very helpful, in my server it was impossible to farm primrose because there was always 3 – 4 people farming it at any given time. Seems like nobody knows about the buccaneer spot, because its so quiet.

  2. I don't think trophies increase yield but increase luck. I tried chopping young trees with and without the logging trophies and didn't notice any increased yield

  3. Nice video. My favourite spot wasn't covered which is the grassy area just north of Boarsholm for my hemp needs, online maps may not show a lot there but there is. I'm not sure the exact rate but you should very easily get 2000-3000+ per hour if there's minimal competition. It is a level 45 area with some cats around near some nodes but even at a low level they're easy to avoid and even kill, I started going there at 25~ and was able to kill them fairly easy with some well timed dodges using a hatchet and with a ranged weapon like musket it becomes easy mode. There are also bison in the area you can easily take down with a musket and gives 1900~ skinning experience a pop which is more than a level.

    For an example I was just spent less than 1.25-1.5 hours (not sure exactly) there at level 36 and left with 3000~ fibers, 1000~ thick hide (and I had dropped like 400 for cap) and a few 100 silk threads. I had some competition for the hemp at first and spent 5~ minutes checking out Boarsholm, the last 30 minutes I focused primarily on skinning going from 168 to 200 from the bison and cats (whenever I drew their aggro, they give 1200~ xp).

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