1. People we gotta f**** fight call your call your members of Congress tell him you want this this is gonna pass and we won't have another chance in another 4 years come on guys Or who knows when

  2. The pharmaceutical manufacturers won't even make lower dose of pills to taper off. All opioids come in higher mg doses. Oxy was known to be the strongest man made opioid before fentanel. Stronger meds keep you. Posses you.
    Pain management is needed, if you want to stand, walk, work to earn a living…
    Cannabis IS more than an exit gate from opioids. It sustains you without owning you. If cannabis was legal, anyone could choose their care.
    Morphine's lowest pill: 15 mg. Why not 10s, 5s, even 1s? Because they want to sell more, not less. Why not legalize federally? We can't jeopardise the lobbyist money for senators from big pharma. They would do it in a heartbeat if it would help their income and secure their elections.
    Please, save lives, legalize.

  3. the MORE ACT has one big problem ,Chuck Schumer, while thousands die from opioids ,roadblocks are always stopping cannabis, legalize cannabis to be as common a corn and stop this injustice

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