The pros and cons associated with cannabis edibles | Your Morning

No smoking means no impact on your lungs but dosage might be more difficult to determine and get right when taking edibles.


  1. Kids can accidentally ingest bleach, or liquor! It’s all about being a responsible parent by keeping their stash locked away! That is a poor negative on edible cannabis! People need to start growing up!

  2. OH NO!! Danger, edibles are risky and could get the kids or animals stoned if not stored safely. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR GUNS STOREcIN MOST AMERICAN HOUSE HOLDS.. lol i think edibles are least of the Americans worries.

  3. i just took 5 bear gummies.. nice! Hgih AD.. thinking the TV id talking to me personally.. but this isn't real right?

  4. Foodie Beauty or Chantal Marie is taking edibles not just one. . I see the effects on her, she is high, has hamburger eyes and her eyes are rolling

  5. I’ve been experiencing headaches after ingesting 5 mg chewable’s (1) on an empty stomach. Today is much worse. DO NOT INGEST (tincture or edibles) ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! Your body aka blood aka liver seems to need fats and proteins.

  6. Strange that this physician hasn't read the studies that show that THC edibles are linked to vascular inflammation, raising the risk of a heart attack. I enjoy THC edibles a lot, so I did a lot of research to make sure it wasn't harmful. Turns out, there are definitely some health risks with prolonged use.

  7. Why don't they ever bring up why cannabis is illegal in the first place? The law protects horrible industries and on top of that is racist. Look into it. The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer.

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