1. Was gonna like this video either way but the “son of bitch” made me chuckle. lol. Thanks for this. I’ve been desperate for vegan cannagummys and this is the best recipe I’ve found so far. Thanks. 🌱💚

  2. About how long should u leave this out to set because mines hav been out all day but there's still liquid. Its a solid (not separating) liquid but still not setting in the molds. Send help 😬🙃

  3. So I was doing some research, and I've made your gelatin gummies. I found that apparently you can use agar agar in place of gelatin 1:1. So since i use 4 knox packets ( 1 oz) and 1 box of jello ( 3 oz), I assume i could use 4 oz of agar agar to yield the same amount. Now, that's far higher of a ratio than what you're using here, because 1 and 1/2 tbsp is roughly .75 ounces. I'm about to do a test run. My original gummies are a combination of your recipe plus a little tweaking. I know you said you've failed in making these before and I'm curious as to what went wrong. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I'm currently making these for a family member and a friend who both have forms of cancer.

  4. My effort to make Vegan Cannaoil Gummy Bears turned out disastrously. I wound up with a oily, thick goop. I used as much as 1.75 teaspoons of guar gum and still could not form an emulsion with a quarter cup of cannaoil. I may try this again but I can't think of what can make a difference since I followed the directions step by step.

    In my effort, I never got the guar gum to form an emulsion. In the video, Liz gets this to happen, although it later separates. I continued to add guar gum. It just thicken the mixture but did not form an emulsion.

    I put some of the mix into a mold. I want to see what happens. I don't have high expectations. In any case, the goop is potent.

    @Diamond Delight Edibles, do you have any tips on making sure the mix forms an emulsion? Any help you can provide, Liz, would be appreciated.

  5. When she said that being vegan was expensive, I thought: "Aw shit, they're gonna come for you Liz!" 😂
    That being said, this worked excellent for me.
    I used 1 cup of Sunny Delight (straight up chemical shit, but I've heard real fruit juice can make setting difficult)
    1/4 C. Canna oil
    1 Tbsp. Agave
    3/4 tsp. Guar gum powder
    All this on low heat and used immersion blender to emulsify. Blended until thick.
    Then I added
    1 and 3/4 tsp. Agar Agar Powder
    Used a whisk and whisked it in and brought to a boil then simmered for 5 minutes and whisking here and there.
    *If you use Agar flakes, you need to use more (it will say on the package) and you need to let it simmer for up to 10 or 15 minutes.
    Good luck y'all. I got mine to set. It can be done!

  6. Broke single mom here. I’m vegan and so is my now 3 1/2 yr old since birth. It is NOT true that a healthy vegan diet is more expensive. It just isn’t. This misinformation made me really sad!

  7. i tried this recipe except used apple juice and its tasteless i tried even adding flavoring and it did nothing. i figures as much becuase theyre is no sugar in this recipe its may have the shpe but it has no sweetness whatsoever

  8. Oh, and like others have said, I am really enjoying how candid you are. You are so much more relatable than so many of the phoney baloney channels.

  9. You're amazing and inspiring. Love your videos. Your family and friends are lucky to have you in their life and not just for your 'goodies'. I'm definitely making these and since this was uploaded on my bday, I am taking it as a sign. Lol

  10. The assumption that all vegans are rich is ridiculous. Buying groceries as a vegan is WAY cheaper. Meat and cheese are the most expensive foods in the grocery store and veggies, fruits, grains, and legumes are the cheapest.

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