1. Everyday I think the days will get better throughout the day I realize this shit never gets better. It gets worse.. the fucking life gets worse.. who wouldve thought if there is a god couldnt he make this life more enjoyable less mundane.. add things to make us more hopeful not make us sheep who slave away to jobs everyday and waste our (Energy, time, sanity..) how much longer can we.. can I keep dealing with this prison.. im not sure time to go to work at 10am and work till like 2am doordashing trying to scrap together money.. I wont keep dealing with this any longer I can tell you that

  2. What strain of weed do you smoke bro? As a Pot Head I'm going to guess your smoking Indica… It's my preference only cause I like getting wrecked but it's not for everyone… If your finding it not enjoyable switch to Sativa… That strain doesn't even get me high lol… There's also the hybrid inbetween strain but it's more like Indica than Sativa…

  3. Yeppers court is just revenge the system was doomed from go cowards cant even speak the truth that it is revenge.also the second they made the statue representing justice a woman we were ruined by gynocentrism same thing with statue of liberty.wish there was a historical guy that said "when women rise men fall" lol

  4. 200 yr sentence i suspect daddy gov has access to medical tech we dont know about yet.i mean look at our tech advancements we should have slowed down by now.either theirs a hidden think tank with a few einsteins OR somebody bwoke a wule and hooked up an ai to make it self learning almost infinitely.im going with the robot one since its more fun!

  5. yt deleted my comment didnt even swear.so looks like they delete certain unknown phrases.anyway tldr with all the men next gen growing up their hatred will be 5 star delish.just wait 4 one with a decently above avg iq and they WILL end these monsters games im curioused georged to see what the man that ends the world looks like i wont be here to see but i bet regardless of looks he will be more beutiful than any woman or art we have ever seen.hmmm maybe ginger fiery red hair to math the hatred or black to represent the void.

  6. Speaking of mothers mine had taken me to court i had anger issues,tried to remove myself from the teacher,she blocked me from leaving then followed me back to my desk still harassing me and i reflex kicked the desk and broke her knee. anyway years later pre court woman reads my file,looks like shes having a moment and asks me to help with the water problem in africa LMFAO for starters i think fbi,cia,or who ever had seen what i think was some iq tests i took when they were evaling me to see why i kept roaming the halls my school counselor that is.but iq tests are bs i mean im broke lol.but think the us government. had the AUDACITY /STUPIDITY to put that pressure on a teen and the AUDACITY of sending me to a military school for 3.5 years more if i didnt punch someone.also cps was called in a few times they left me with a verbally abusive sometimes hitting mother and ask me to help them.the government is more retarded than you think.now to be fair it may not have been government maybe it was just that woman but either way im def not smort enough for that stuff if i was maybe i wouldnt be writing things that give english teachers nightmares at 2 am to rando ppl .i WISH i was that smort maybe i could just be happy.FIN

  7. It's funny that most people think that if mankind were to go extinct, then the universe would end. Like mankind somehow matters that much to the universe. Love to break it to yell, but the universe will go about its chaotic eternity without us.

    Chaos is everywhere, weather its sapient-made or natural.

    Hail Chaos!

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