Benzodiazepine Induced Neurological Dysfunction (BIND)

The third in a four part series presented by the Colorado Consortium’s Benzodiazepine Action Work Group on May 17, 2022.


  1. 15 years on 1 to 2 mg clonazepam. Stopped over a short period 2 1/2 years ago. Severe withdrawal symptoms for ~8 months. Continued protracted symptoms to this day. Complications with alcohol use. Have many of the symptoms described here. Serious impact on my life and ability to function. Always taken as prescribed.
    Substance abuse treatment system was detrimental to my condition. Little to no knowledge of the withdrawal symptoms, and that it is physical dependence, not addiction.

  2. Really enjoyed this. 24 years on. 6-month taper. And 4 years post. Still deal with a few very irritating SXS. But I am happy I left these behind. I think that a low carb diet can help so much. Also forgive your prescriber or dealer.

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