Hemp Seed Heart Crusted Baked Chicken Tenders ~ Gluten Free and Low Carb

I started using Hemp Seed Hearts a couple months ago. I love these little seeds. I use them in Salads, Chia Puddings, Smoothies …


  1. Has anyone tried this with tofu and something other than eggs to moisten the pieces before coating them with hemp seeds? Also, what if I don't have almond meal? Have garlic and onion powder, paprika, and hemp hearts though.

  2. Brenda, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought to encrust chicken tenders with hemp seed! I know they are high in protein I can only imagine the taste! Great recipe!

  3. Looks Great Brenda. I never got around to crusting anything with hemp hearts today for lunch.
    Gab would love this. Chicken tenders are her all time favorite.
    Have you tried doing the hemp heart coating without the almond meal.
    I'm gonna try it with just hemp a swai fillet one day this week for lunch while Gab is at school.
    I know she wont eat the fish like that. She only likes it battered and fried unless its salmon.
    Your whole meal looks spectacular.

  4. Hi Brenda! what a wonderful low-carb meal! I've never heard of hemp hearts (or hemp seeds) used in cooking before. It looks like it makes a great crust on your chicken tenders! I love your choice of almond flour and seasonings too! Mmm! Thanks so much for a terrific recipe my friend! All the best to you and Chris!

  5. Witam serdecznie 🙂 superkowy filmik …. życzę udanego tygodnia 🙂 i wspaniałej wiosennego dnia

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    ╱╰━━━╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ 👍

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