Henry Rollins on Alcohol, Drugs and His Reagan Era Tattoos | Ep. 5 3/3 ARTST TLK | Reserve Channel

Henry Rollins and Pharrell Williams discuss building muscle and the sense of power that he got from making a physical change to …


  1. I saw Henry do a show in Detroit recently. Man, this guy is just a Freight Train on stage. From the word "Go," he is non-stop. When he was done, he smiled and waived as he ran off stage. Everything he does and says has purpose. It's not tedious yammering. When you go to his show, buckle up, Because he is going to take you for a ride. He'll make you think things you never would have through, he'll make you feel things you never thought you would, and he'll make you laugh harder than you have in a long time.

  2. I love and respected this man and what he's accomplished for over a decade now but I'd respect him much more if he was a family man. Says he "wasn't built for that". Well I got news for you Mr. Rollins, most artistic men aren't. It's about SACRIFICE, and when you can do both successfully, now you've achieved the highest levels of RESPECT.

  3. Dude, what I'd give to have Henry train me in weight lifting. I feel like he'd be patient enough to walk me through the motions, the technique, etc. But when shit gets hard and I want to quit, he won't put up with my bullshit.

  4. Rollins at some point talks like your average cocaine enthusiast, too shy to actually talk about it but not too shy to diss "conformist" or "unproductive" drugs like alcohol and weed

  5. I can understand why someone who is turned on by the discipline of body building doesn't want to give over the control of his mind to drugs or alcohol….

  6. Isn't it amazing how much Henry's demeanor has changed over the years? He's so outgoing and friendly now….if someone wanted to interview him in his 20's, he might do it, or he might tell them to fck off

  7. When he said the guy in the Norman Rockwell painting Pharrell didn't have a fucking clue what he was talking about…… and neither do I

  8. As a person who started working out recently and realizing progress, what he said was spot on. I don't work out because it makes me bigger physically, I do it because It makes me feel good! Working out is a healthy drug

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