1. back in the early 60's cannabis WAS legal … but big pharma wasnt making money off of it so they petitioned to have it scheduled and they became illegal … with over 200 medicinal uses for cannabis drug companies useless medications wouldnt sell

  2. I'm a recovering opiate addict 4 years the thing I want to know is why is this dude always sweating his ass off every time I see him he must be on some sort of opiate I can see when he's in the garden all the time but he just came out of an office and looks like he just ran a marathon and by the raspiness in his voice most likely is on opiates or was at one point he's obviously got a reason for recommendation like I have being a former opiate addict I'm not hating I've been following this guy for a while but I just realized I've never seen someone sweat so much my life

  3. Crowdgrow.io will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. Crowdgrow.io has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.[https://crowdgrow.io/%5D inbox me or email: info@Crowdgrow.io

  4. Watch lots of your videos. Always good stuff.
    I've been medically authorized as of 05. Injured in 88 as a USDA FS Firefighter Interagency Hotshot Crew member. Drugs are bad. Even Rx.
    My issues are crinic low back pain failed back surgery X2. Opoids are hella killers. Eliminated opioid use with legal THC CDB.
    YOU ARE A BLESSING for those without knowledge. KUDOS

  5. Crowdgrow.io will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. Crowdgrow.io has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.

    [https://crowdgrow.io/%5D inbox me or email: info@Crowdgrow.io

  6. I am agent for Crowdgrow. Food security is now supported by our expansion into the medicinal Cannabis market in the kingdom of Lesotho. {https://agri-culture.holdings/} Our model is built on upliftment & education of disadvantaged communities. your participation in our medicinal cannabis production offers you a opportunity to own your mini cannabis farm, achieve a return of investment in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho. {https://crowdgrow.io/}

  7. I need your help i got a small greenhouse that fits 6 plants? My Cookie Glue strains are getting mold i lost 3 plants and i have 3 fans and a small dehumidifer? I live in cali 6 miles from the beach and humidity is bad i need help? I have Wedding Cake is starting to mold now i need to save what i have left what do and is there a mold killer spray? As soon as my plants bud it starting to mold. I got decent air flow but i need help please John help me

  8. 35 minutes that could easily have been condensed into less than 10. I got very bored with all the inane rambling and redundant and frankly boring chatter.

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