Innate Faith in God / Energetically Programmed Audio

Many of us were brought up to believe in a materialistic, atheistic paradigm, wherein our existence as conscious living entities …


  1. I read that for making morphic fields audios you need energy from spirits, Maitreya do you use spirits for making your audios? or do you use entities ?.

  2. Love your energy 💓can you make one against vaccine damage after covid? so we can regenerate people around us (parents etc..) 🙏🏼

  3. Please make one to heal abandonment wound, the person with this issue can't even accept himself or his existence in this life, this issue can destroy his whole life, and it's the root cause of insecure attachment, feeling insecure in relationships and in the world, and many many problems,

    thank you

  4. Please dear I'm new in your channel, I need your help, I'm struggling so much with obsessive thoughts / false memory, please make a field to repair the function between brain areas involved in OCD, including the balance between long-term memory and short-term memory, false memory issus, and cortico striato thalamo cortical circuit, basal ganglia, cingulate cortex, and caudate nucleus,
    these thoughts cause me pain in heart area, and extremely painful and fearful emotions, I can't live like that anymore, and I don't want to give up, I can't even eat or sleep..

  5. Oh, this is lovely. I feel such peace listening to it <3 Also, it feels like my lungs open up completely. I´ve never been able to breathe this deeply before. Amazing! Maitreya, you are so appreciated.

  6. I need this because lately honestly my faith in god has been realy realy low in fact I feel betrayed by god and I find myself realy angry at god

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