Is It Dissociation? | Kati Morton

Today we are going to talk about the 5 signs of dissociation because it’s more common than most people think. Research shows …


  1. Iā€™ve dissociated and hit my boyfriend before. I donā€™t remember it but my boyfriend told me he have. I also dissociate a lot when Iā€™m getting yelled at

  2. idk if i dissociate but i zone out all the time.. im just kind of there and then im not and then im back again and an hour has passed. i dont even feel it.

  3. The experience i remember that gets me the most is when i was working at walmart and suddenly while pushing one of the L carts, i felt extremley odd. I felt confused and foggy for a solid min, the lights seemed brighter than usual, things were just a little fuzzy, it was hard to process thoughts. I felt mostly mentally present but was still looking around and thinking running through my head like a checklist "wait, whats going on? Im standing here at walmart… im in my vest so im working.. holding this cart with random things in it… i guess i was just cleaning under the counters. I need to take theese to the bins in the back." then it would click and id remember everything and things would start to clear up a little and id remember what i was doing. Then i felt alot of anxiety after because i didnt understand what had happened. Any idea what this is?

  4. I have a couple of things that happen that I donā€™t know whether or not itā€™s a part of this.
    Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m literally pulled up out of my body by a few feet and dropped back in. Makes me twitch slightly because I felt like I was falling, and being back in my body is disorienting and balance is hard.
    There are other times where it seems as if there is this field of deafening silence. Itā€™s silent that it feels like a thick field. It is usually accompanied by a ringing in one or both ears and a loss of balance and of feeling that I know where I am in space or time.

    Have you guys heard of this or experienced any thing along these lines??

  5. For me, it feels like i don't know where i am or what i am doing. i dont cry or feel sad. Sometimes, i want to cry but forget what i was sad about. I dont have a future or past. I just wake up everyday to feel numb and go back to sleep. Nothing else. It is very empty.

  6. I think I disassociated when I had my son, natural birth, 10lb baby. It felt like I was being murdered, like stabbed to death maybe, for hours and days. (In reality it was probably only one hour). I sort of went out of my body, there was a lady in the bed making sounds like an infant crying (scream, take a deep breath, scream, take a deep breath, like the whaaahhh of a baby crying) and the lady in the bed had a lot of pain and I felt her pain. But I didnā€™t feel pain, if that makes any damn sense at all. Almost like when you watch a movie and itā€™s sad and you cry for the situation the main character is in, but all along you know thatā€™s not really happened to you, that itā€™s a movie and that this is an actor. Thatā€™s what the birth was like, I was watching this lady be in pain and I felt her pain but it was me and and I heard her screaming but I wasnā€™t screaming, I was sorta on the ceiling in the room. And then he was out and the light coming in the window was soooooo warm, it just enveloped me in the most pleasant warmness and I just was staring at the light and I just wanted to sunbathe in this light forever. I wanted nothing to do with whatever was happening in the room, nurses were talking to me but I had no interest in what they might be saying because I was in the light and finally peaceful. Is that disassociation? It was so weird.

  7. What is the best way to deal with dissociation, are there techniques? Iā€™ve realised Iā€™ve been in and out of it all my life

  8. I don't think this is dissociation, but I'm not sure what to name a certain state of mind I had yesterday–
    I felt kinda of… Spacey inside, as if my entrails were never there and the only thing filling me up was the void .
    I also felt kinda "distant" from the world. I don't know how to explain it because I am not currently feeling like that right now, so I don't remember the details, BUT I did not see myself in 3rd person, the only thing is that I was staring off into nothing

  9. I'm kind of here to double check on something. Yesterday after work I didn't feel like myself or I felt a feeling I've never felt before. Best word I can descibe it was numb??? Orrr idk I knew i was physically there but not 100%. It lasted from 1pm till the next day (today) and I'm only just now questioning it because it was out of character for me. It's weird trying to remember the feeling but at the time I didn't notice šŸ™

  10. When I depersonalize now I use it to my advantage, I tell myself lifeā€™s ā€œjust a gameā€ and carry on pretending in a very lighthearted and silly way until it goes away lol

  11. I donā€™t think itā€™s dissociation that Iā€™m feeling, but I canā€™t process the fact that Iā€™m real. Saying it is no big deal. yeah, I guess I exist, but I still donā€™t feel convinced. I can slap myself across the face and it will feel like someone else hit me, like I donā€™t have the physical ability to touch or feel. I canā€™t focus on things visually, either. I canā€™t name a single time in years that Iā€™ve actually looked directly at something. I always feel like Iā€™m zoned out and looking off into the distance. People have gotten angry at me for staring directly at them for minutes on end, and I didnā€™t even realize I was looking at a person.

    Also, is thinking nonstop normal? I donā€™t mean like processing my surroundings. I mean thinking random things that sometimes canā€™t even be described by words, and more than one thing at a time too. Like right now, Iā€™m simultaneously thinking about what Iā€™m writing, how edgy it must seem, and oddly enough, about what would happen if I broke a bone this weekend.

    Could this just be the result of overthinking?

  12. I am wondering if this is the same as what I've experienced. Throughout my life I've occasionally been struck with this sudden realization that I am a real person. I exist and others perceive me to be real. I am a sister to someone. I am someone's daughter. But it somehow doesnt feel real. Like it's all been a dream or something. I haven't experienced it in a while so I can't remember exactly but I'm wondering if anyone can relate

  13. I heard of people that experienced the Alice Phenomenon, which makes them feel like they shrink or grow. Sometimes I just feel like I'm swaying but sometimes experience something similar to the Alice Phenomenon. Sometimes I wondered if it has something to do with my blood pressure or something. Idk. Yes, I wondered what kind of woman I should be. So I guess I have dissociation too. That's why I like to have people around to distract me from dissociation.

  14. Iā€™ve been trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong with me, because Iā€™m aware whatever Iā€™m constantly feeling isnā€™t normal, but I never knew exactly what it was or if thereā€™s a name for it. Sometimes I feel like the only one in the world who has this feeling because my environment consists of ppl who seem soā€¦. Connected to themselves and who they are. I think this is the closest Iā€™ve ever gotten to naming and knowing whatā€™s wrong with me. I have most of these symptoms and Iā€™ve been dealing with foggy memory, foggy mind, limited emotions, and especially not even knowing myself. A lot of the times I canā€™t describe this feeling and often just say ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ as a description of it, considering itā€™s so complicated. Iā€™m tired of living like this every day, and itā€™s been happening for 2 years now. I canā€™t get a therapist, I doubt school counselors help, and the online therapyā€™s Iā€™ve seen usually require money. Iā€™m lost Iā€™m confused and Iā€™m tired of living like this 24/7. Whatever dissociative feeling I have, it interferes with my everyday life and I canā€™t live like this anymoreā€¦. Any suggestions on what I can do?

  15. I donā€™t even realize how stressed Iā€™ve been for so long until you describe these things and then itā€™s like wow Iā€™ve been stressed for along time I guess?

  16. I have this everyday I smoke bud everyday and other stuff that ainā€™t gd šŸ˜‚
    And I feel as if Iā€™ve been loosing my sanity my friends just see me as the dopey one that isnā€™t there I loose track of the task Iā€™m doing as Iā€™m doing it. Iā€™m so easily distracted does and one know what u should do?
    Iā€™m stopping smoking/drugs etc

  17. I don't know if it's disassociation or not but randomly in the day I feel as if I cannot function properly I mean I feel toxicly positive and my brain tells me it's alright when some part of me is in a state of panic, in such a situation for example mid exam I can't focus
    I don't know how to put the feeling into words…

  18. Is it bad that I no longer can "feel" sometimes. I can't tell if I'm myself anymore. Then I suddenly get snapped back when someone even remotely triggers me. I'm so terrified of "feeling" again, its comforting but terrifying. But, I don't feel terrified after it happens.

  19. I think Iā€™ve been doing it that for most of my life, and Iā€™ve had a few brief moments were I broke out of it. Those memories are few and far between, but theyā€™re very clear, in comparison to most of my other memories.

    (Some potentially triggering things below)


    For example, around six years ago (according to my younger sister, who has better memory than most of our family combined), I was going through a very bad period in my life. Things that happened before that moment in my life was finally catching up to me, I guess. I was being bullied at school again, some personal family things were happening, and since I suspect that Iā€™m on the Autism Spectrum; I also suspect that I was dealing with overstimulation. I was having frequent nightmares, experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. I had no energy to do anything but draw, watch YouTube, and sleep. I didnā€™t eat much of anything besides small snacks, I rarely slept and never stayed asleep, I rarely attended to any of my personal hygiene. I started having panic attacks and meltdowns every morning before school, I was terrified of leaving the house.

    But in between all that, I was felt nothing and thought of nothing. I was self harming again, in an attempt to have some control of my life and in attempt to feel something. At some point, I remember watching a movie with my youngest sister in our oldest sisterā€™s room; when she suddenly asked me what year I thought it was.

    I donā€™t remember the year in which this happened, and I donā€™t remember what year I told her I thought it was, but I have this very clear memory of her saying: ā€œNo. That was three years ago.ā€

  20. The sound of my own voice freaks me outā€¦

    I feel like Iā€™m brain deadā€¦.

    I freak out when I look in the mirror or think about myselfā€¦ā€¦

    I feel emotionally numb

    I feel physically numb too

    I feel unrealā€¦.

    I get blurry vision if Iā€™m really anxious

    Panic disorder

    Health anxiety

    I feel like Iā€™m getting worse and donā€™t feel like myself

    Had this for 1 year now and itā€™s so hard to function šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢

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