Is Marijuana Addictive?

It’s common for people to say that marijuana is not addictive. Is there any truth to this? Laci is here to discuss how this belief might …


  1. Might not be a gateway drug but it is addicting. If you smoke weed every day you are an addict. This comes from one.

  2. Pot makes you stagnant. Content with not doing much. Literally smokes up your path to your purpose. Its so socially acceptable in young people now & legal so just another habit to build up to addiction.

  3. It's important when looking at addiction in people, to look also, deeply, into their life circumstances, connections with family, friends etc.. because in my understanding, opposite of addiction is CONNECTION. I don't know how rare or often it is to find relatively healthy houshold or environment where people (children) are raised and are developing, which will meet their emotional, mental and other neccessary needs (I'm not an expert on this), but my understanding and personal experience is that people go into substance abuse (abnormal use) because of pain they are feeling withing themselves. If we step out/up, with deeper understanding of this and especially important, we stop judging and pushing away addicts like they are some broken machines that need fixing… we can establish healthy/er connections with them and help them integrate back into society. I bet you, they will not seek addictive substances if they feel the healthy connection with you.

  4. Another thing to take into consideration is the test subjects personality: do they have an addictive one or a non addictive one? Personalities play a huge part in studies like these.

  5. Well…sugar is 9 times more than cocaine and my body treated by itself just by cutting off sugar and meat (an infection I couldn't treat with 4 different strong antibiotics in 3 freaking months. Doctors have prescribed me such a stupid treatment)
    None of my friends are addictive to Marijuana. One of cousins smokes maybe 4-5 joints per year. She tells me everything without hesitation. Woah… 🤣 sooooo addictive!

    Do you know what is legal and extremely addictive and cause severe health problems and it's absolutely everywhere? Tobaccos and alcohol! Yes!
    "We want to protect you, folks" 😂😂😂
    Well Marijuana is proven to stop and even kill cancer cells and tumour growth and you outlaw it.
    We all know that members of parliament know chemistry better than specialists.
    But…any kind of tobacco which includes over 200 harmful chemical substances are the nb. 1 reason for cancer and we find it in every f**king store.
    Stop using medical hemp because it might be addictive!
    It's like tobaccos can't be "addictive" 😂😂😂😂😂😂Ahahah hah!
    I've written such paid studies about healthy Coke. What makes me believe that one study is "the real one" over more contradictory studies?
    Now… number 2 reason for cancer is alcohol which is also everywhere and it's very very very harmful for our health and it's very addictive and perfectly legal. Now compare a lazy laughing dude who smokes Marijuana to an aggressive and dangerous drunk man. Which is most dangerous? Yes, you're right! One of the reasons for domestic violence is caused by excessive alcohol consumption not only lack of education.
    In conclusion: Governments has reaaaaally helped us 😂😂😂👏👏
    Congratulations for nothing!

    Instead of buying a very very expensive treatment for stomach cancer, one of my acquaintances drinks warm water with a tablespoon of baking soda/sodium bicarbonate and has a clean diet and guess what? Her innate cancer stagnated and she does this for more than 5 years and nothing bad has happened.
    One of my friends got rid of anxiety and depression using Marijuana. Idk what kind of thoughts he's had but… 😂it was helpful, it helped him calm down and arrange his thoughts and emotions and his grandmother used it too for her Parkinson's symptoms.
    A former neighbour has used medical cannabis also for cancer and digestive disorders: loss of appetite, she couldn't eat anything without vomiting 🤮…
    Hah… Wow, it is sooooo bad to use an innocent plant as a cure for many health issues…
    Egyptians used it without hesitation, but nowadays… there are businessmen who want to have a big ass profit from cancer treatments.
    I understand that chemical drugs such as heroin must be outlawed, but plants…. really?
    I was once in my life addicted to something, to Nurofen.
    3 weeks in which I had severe headaches from morning till sleeping 😴 that couldn't be stopped with other painkillers but only Nurofen, I had loss of appetite, body pain, tremors and I felt very nauseous 🤢.
    After 3 weeks of experiencing such symptoms I cured myself from this addiction.
    This is a mother **cking addiction, not a chocolate-like intentionally extended pleasure!

  6. It's still way better then cigarettes and alcohol. It's more about the goverment not being able to put a tax on it, as it is very easy to grow at home. The goverment is actully helping creating the inflated black market by policing it. Much like what happend with alcohol in USA in the 30's. The goverment helped the mafia big time. Here where I live, the law against weed was put in place between Xmas and New Year where more then half of palement was on vacation.

  7. Well im new at weed,but for not spending too much money i and not building tolerance i only smoke 1-2 times a week and yes,after the effects r gone u do feel withdravals,but only for like 3-6 hours or in some cases the entire day but the day after u dont feel like it at all

  8. Depends on the person. I personally have no urges to do weed. In my opinion, it's more likely to get addicted when you are feeling low. I don't have any stress most of the times.

  9. I think that if u know that u are addicted to anything that u are addicted to u can fight it while still being able to quite at a moment of ur choosing… Call it self will.

  10. Those who dont have weed as their next door neighbor type shit to where you wake up & just be like "yeah, I'm smoking some good weed today"….. Weed will be addicting.
    But if you know you smoking cause you always do all day every day, weed ain't shit because it gets old QUICK.

  11. People can become dependent on basically anything, and can have withdrawal symptoms too. Driving your car instead of walking=dependence. Can't drive? Chances are you'll get irritable. Vacation is great, but when you come back you'll experience certain familiar symptoms-depression, irritability etc. You lose a loved one, you know what will happen! Sever depression, anger and so on, so is grieving a sign they were addicted or dependent on that person? Yes. They made you feel happy, and that is not an issue. Is it withdrawal or grieving? Humans are naturally habitual creatures and this argument over addiction, dependency, and habit forming behaviors seem to forget this. habit and dependency does NOT mean you've been harmed by it. It's just natural.

  12. Sure is addictive people that say otherwise are in total denial .
    It's the bitter truth .
    If it wasn't addictive people would not smoke every single day of the week .
    It started as a weekend thing for some it was a once a month thing and now it's become a part of their everyday lives , some , nah most folks can't function without hitting a blunt first thing before brushing their teeth each and every day , and last thing before hittin the bed . The only time they don't smoke is when they've spent every penny and everyone is cashed out or their plug or plugs are sold out .
    And when you tell people they are addicted to weed they deny it or get stupid with you because they are stuck in clouded judgement and altered perception . I started smoking cbd bud a few months ago and plan on quitting all together . I have been smoking weed since 1995 .

  13. I'm addicted to cigarettes
    I'm dependant on weed I love it and it helps with other things I am no longer a drinker because of it however I don't recommend clubbing on it at least for me I can't be in energized environments while high unfortunately I get bored just gotta chill

  14. Weed is just weird , i smoked 3-4 blunts a day not long ago just because i had the money to do it (bought ounces and shit) and now i wanted to have a break and trust me when i say i dont have any negative symptoms lmao. I legit just go out see my girl , go work , talk to my friends etc and it feels like i never ever smoked weed. I guess its just different for people , my friend who smokes with rolls spliff (with tobacco) and always has a craving to smoke when he doesnt have weed , and bare in mind i put 1-2 grams in my blunts when i smoke and im not addicted? Legit once and ounce lasted me for 4 days , and when it finished i simply went back to doing what i usually do , with no side effects.

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