Kingston considers an advisory group on state’s marijuana laws – Daily Freeman

KINGSTON, N.Y. — Aldermen are considering creating an advisory group that could provide input to city officials on the impacts of the state’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.

“What we thought we would do is pass a resolution to start a focus group and, or, taskforce to bring different people from the community together to kind of act as an advisory board,” Majority Leader Rita Worthington, D-Ward 4, told the Common Council’s Laws and Rules Committee on Wednesday. She said the group would have no voting power or authority but could provide ideas and possible solutions to address the effects of the state legalizing marijuana. The advisory group could, for instance, provide input on programs the city could organize or ways to address the social justice aspects of the state’s action, Worthington said.

Kingston Corporation Counsel Barbara Graves-Poller said the city’s role in the implementation of marijuana legalization is very limited. She also said the city did not opt out of allowing licensing for local dispensaries and on-site consumption of cannabis within the municipality limits. The city does, however, have limited authority over the time, place, and manner of retail operations, Graves-Poller said. She said it might be worthwhile to consider those aspects early as the city is undergoing a zoning code update.

The tax revenue and economic opportunity of the state law is an area that is ripe for community input, Graves-Poller added.

The state legalized the recreational use of marijuana in March 2021 and gave cities and towns across the state until Dec. 31 of that year to opt out of allowing pot shops and/or lounges. But while municipalities could ban sales and on-site consumption within their borders, they could not prohibit businesses that cultivate, process, or transport cannabis.

Worthington said the advisory group would be made up of nine members, six to be appointed by the council and three to be appointed by the mayor. She said the issue has already been discussed with Mayor Steve Noble and he is on board with the plan.

The committee ultimately endorsed a resolution authorizing the creation of a nine-member advisory group for a period of one year. Aldermen said the duration of the group could be extended, if necessary.

The resolution must still go to the full council for consideration. The council meets again next month.

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