Kratom Withdrawals? | Urban Ice Botanicals

CEO of Urban Ice Botanicals, Kelly Dunn, answers the most asked questions about Kratom. The #1 fastest growing Kratom & CBD …


  1. For those of us that have experienced Kratom withdrawal what do the experts at Urban Ice recommend to help us to taper down to where we can enjoy the miracle plant again? I've tired several supplements but wanted to know the the people who know more than all us novices. Thanks for all the great information and advocacy!

  2. I've always tried to be mindful of how much I take. The worst withdrawals I had were like a caffeine withdrawal combined with depression, it wasn't horrible but it was bad enough to deter me from overdoing it again.

  3. I agree with him but, even if you use small amount you get a tolerance to that and it doesn’t work anymore. I still feel Kratom is the very least of all evils! Don’t even think about using Subs as that’s a lie pushed by doctors next.

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