1. Bro what kinda admin would come and defend a clan, what a fucking lame server if a clan cant secure their own base an admin helps? wtf is that shit, unless it's part of the rules but even then that's fucking lame. IMO thats the consequences of having 50 man with no security protocols

  2. Oh look another rust video! Oh I'm gonna have to raise the volume to hear these guys so I can enjoy watching this vide-
    guy picks shit up off a dead body

  3. i want to watch this clip, but the game sound is so loud compared to your voices…idk if it's just a 1 time thing, but if it isn't you should fix that. it will help you get more subs.

  4. hey boss can you better balance your audio. your commentary is quiet in the video, but the sounds of your game effects is so loud. i prefer not to have bleeding ears from you moving hemp in your inventory

  5. For anyone that doesnt know, this is on a server called affinity where only clans play thats why you are only seeing clan bases, they compete, these were the top 2 clans on the server at the time .ware and XON

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