1. medical marijuana should also be prescribed for counteracting ritalin. I started  using marijuana recreationally 7 years ago and have been switching between adderall and ritalin for the past 6 years for my severe ADD.  These stimulants drastically help my grades and life but they have horrible side effects.  If i took the recommended dose there was a 1/10 chance i would get any sleep that night. If i didn't eat before taking it then i didn't eat at all that day.  But if i smoke a good 3 bowls at the end of the day im able to enjoy a meal without puking and get a full nights sleep.  i take the meds for my grades but i always have to lie to my mom about what im doing out late every night when i just need to get away and smoke just so i can sleep that night, its exhausting.  if it wasn't for marijuana the insomnia      
    and malnourishment would have forced me to stop the medication and i would have never graduated high school.  

  2. Ive had add most of my life and in low dosages it does have a calming effect both physically and mentally conducive to concentration. I like to meditate while high, I cant do it on ritalin. Never took it as a kid though, I think it would've stopped me bouncing off the walls so much.

  3. @Cakerolled Thats normal but it isn't healthy to take these meds for adhd, they are hard drugs… ritalin is basicly cocaine… I have ADHD and I have consumed both substances sold in the streets cause my mom was always against me taking these meds thank god! Marijuana is way better for your health and natural! Ritalin (amphetamine) or similar substances should never be given to children suffering from ADHD!

  4. i have taken ritalin and adderal and i also mixed both with weed and have obviously tried weed alone, and i must say i doent think any of these help for add aside from adderal. ritalin was like kiddie cocaine and weed eventually after 2 years daily made me more anxious, bad short term memory and also loose my ambitions. it also gave me symptoms of add :P. this lady looks like she took some Valiums and got stoned

  5. i have taken ritalin and adderal and i also mixed both with weed and have obiously tried weed alone, and i must say i doent think any of these help for add aside from adderal. ritalin was like kiddie cocaine and weed eventually after 2 years daily made me more anxious, bad short term memory and also loose my ambitions. it also gave me symptoms of add 😛

  6. Many parents push these meds on their kids to calm them down in order to make them easier to handle and less disruptive. This should not be the priority. If a kid is a hyperactive brat, the cause is most often social. School doesn't interest him, or he lacks discipline. Giving these kids weed will mellow them out, but it won't help them learn in the way stimulants will.

    They might as well give them a low dose of LSD.

  7. This is fucking stupid. Yes smoking weed increases concentration, but most people can't learn on it. A kid sits in history class high, British colonialism may fascinate him, but he will have a distorted and unsophisticated understanding of the topic. He will also retain a lot less than a kid on ritalin would. Anyone who has watched a movie or read part of a book high and compleately forgotten what they read/saw can testify to that.

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