MLM HORROR STORIES #27 | Preying on people in a mental health program, tarnished friendship #ANTIMLM

hannahalonzo #antimlm #mlmhorrorstories MLM HORROR STORY SUBMISSIONS: Please email me at …


  1. The girl pitching the cbd at his funeral sickens me. I am a recovering addict/alcoholic with 5.5 years sober, and a lot of friends who die every year from overdose unfortunately. actually any credible person or program would not recommend cbd to a recovering addict. And blaming his death on not using oils instead of the sadness it really was, which was an untreated addict in the throes of his addiction, is pitiful.

  2. For Story 6: IOPs are fabulous! I used one during a particularly dark time in my life and despite never bringing up or discussing my extreme aversion to touch (being touched or touching), it was mysteriously not an issue anymore after the program ended. I highly suggest it to people who are really struggling with MH issues, long term or otherwise.

  3. Ridiculous, u cannot rationalize the effect of naloxone vs cbd oil. It's like comparing a fork to banana. Ignorance. Naloxone is the only drug that reverses a heroin overdose. Sorry BH major here.

  4. I feel really bad for customer service reps working at any MLM. Even though it's a position that has a better chance of getting regular paychecks, imagine all the angry calls they have to put up with.

  5. There’s a girl at my work whose husband had an Herbalife store. He’s in debt with it and is just making enough to keep it running (no profit). He’s thinking about shutting it down but she wants him to “wait it out”. I don’t know what to say to her, as I of course want to encourage that waiting won’t change this situation because it’s an MLM. Any advice on what to say when the subject comes up?

  6. I also liked the first story, why would the family blame Kate? It wasn’t her fault that people were smart enough not to buy the products or join. And also about the credit cards part, I didn’t write a post about visually impaired people should not be in MLM‘s because it someone has to open the credit card then they will have to pay it back in someway or another. And I will be a lot heart of the person is in an MLM and they can’t pay bags and that would mean cars even more pain on their credit score.

  7. The one that cooks raw pasta in the
    Microwave actually works.
    I used mine a lot when at work if I wanted pasta but couldn't stand at the stove while working (and microwaving old already cooked pasta tastes disgusting).
    Just FYI 😜

  8. The damn Hempworx scheming on people in recovery makes me sick. It's right up there preying on mental illness and infertility and cancer. So sickening.
    I'm a recovering heroin addict, many years clean now, I've tried all sorts of CBD products (No MLM snake cbd oil) and without some THC added to it, it does absolutely nothing for me. Thatd be incredible if it worked….but no MLM product will solve anything aside from ruining your friendships.

  9. 36:30 – This is the exact same thing that manipulators and abusers do. If you don't take the bait, then they avoid you like the plague. It was only ever about what you could do for them, and nothing more. 🙁 It hurts, but it's good to see the truth and move on from that person.

  10. Oh my gosh…I was a nurse at a large hospital..a lady that was working in another area of the hospital ran me down in her car to tell me I would be perfect to sell R&F…..couldn't believe it….predatory is right! Lol

  11. Wow what you said about Amway is exactly what my experience was with it. My ex fiancé and I both got into it together signed up separately but we tried to work it together and he was way more invested in it it took up all his time I was barely invested in it and we ended up breaking up because of it well I will say he broke up with me and it was because I was not into it like he was and at some point in our relationship he literally told me the business was more important to him than I was and I knew what that point it was pretty much over.

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