PCN Life Health & Wellness Healthy Appetites CBD

PCN PACTV Community News PCN Life Health & Wellness Healthy Appetites CBD Jeff Hills of Healthy Appetites brings us …


  1. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  2. Has Anyone purchased Charlotte's Web from healthy appetites? I'm curious if it's any cheaper than the website I get a 1oz bottle of the 200mg they have it for $35.99 if I can get for a better deal than that it would be worth the ride

  3. I have been working the Rick Simpson RSO for lung cancer for about 8 days now. It is my intention to go purchase the CBD oils to go with it. Betting my life on it.

  4. I'm a FP physician consulting, lecturing, recommending and using CBD for a wide range of conditions just like were discussed in this video. I can verify the benefits Jeff has mentioned here are not exaggerations for the most part. One area Jeff did not mention is the reversal of dementia. He is correct that generally only low doses of quality CBD products are needed to make major improvements in health and wellbeing. Dementia reversal: https://youtu.be/AIXAiGx4OOk

  5. 1) CBD is an antibacterial and slows bacterial growth. This is significant for those of us who are dealing with an imbalance of bad bacteria which can cause health problems such as gum disease, heart disease, and intestinal issues.
    2) When you take CBD, it does not cause the typical “high” associated with cannabis. In fact, CBD works as a partner with THC to balance its psychoactive effects. My personal experience with high CBD cannabis medicines is that they leave me clear-headed, positive, energetic, and relaxed. I describe this state as feeling like myself.
    3) CBD reduces inflammation. Let me repeat that, CBD reduces inflammation!! Inflammation in the body causes disease. Less inflammation, less disease.
    4) CBD promotes bone growth. How many people do you know that have a musculoskeletal deficiency who would benefit from a non-toxic, natural medicine for bone growth? When I first learned that taking cannabis could keep my bones strong I think I may have teared up. There are not too many things I wouldn’t do to be able to age without a degenerating, scoliotic spine so to know that this is one of the potential benefits of the CBD medicine that I am taking leaves me feeling incredibly grateful.
    5) CBD reduces function in the immune system. If you suffer with an autoimmune disorder calming your overactive immune system down is vital for your continuing health. When my immune system is overactive I have all sorts of funky things happen to me: migraines, body pain, numb fingers and toes, and so on. Having a medicine that can help me regulate immune function is more valuable to me than the words can find.
    6) CBD relieves anxiety. How lovely is that? I’m a relatively even tempered person, I think, but I do deal with anxiety. I am aware that this is a side effect of having chronic pain but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. CBD’s allow me to relax and feel like somebody who can handle the regular stresses of life during spells of anxiety.
    7) CBD relieves pain. This is by far the most dramatic thing that CBD does for me personally. To be able to have relief from the pain that is debilitating you and locking you within your body feels like absolute freedom.
    8) CBD suppresses muscles spasms. I actually had to think about the last time I had muscle spasms because it has been a while. I used to get them all the time before I started using medicinal cannabis but now they are something that I used to get.
    9) CBD reduces blood sugar levels. High blood sugar can cause havoc in the body. Ask any person with diabetes and they will tell you that regulating your blood sugar is vital to one’s health and vitality.
    10) CBD reduces seizures. I don’t have personal experience with this one but I do know of people who have been able to reduce and in some cases stop the seizures that they experience by using high CBD cannabis.
    11) CBD inhibits cancer cell growth. Oh, did I mention it fights cancer?
    I am just scratching the surface here of what CBDs can do for the body but that is a pretty impressive list, isn’t it?

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