PTSD & Cannabis: Help or Hurt

Cannabis is one of the most widely used substances around the world. As governments begin to decriminalize and legalize the …


  1. Weed amplifies my ptsd and trauma x1000000. One small hit can send me to the depths of hell. I get extremely dissociative and paranoid. Memories flood my brain. It’s the most terrifying experience ever. I will never touch weed again

  2. I am 46 really enjoy the THC cartridges,,, I'm in MI now so I can buy rec. It has worked wonders and helps me chase my fears but without forming a heavy dependence. Should be LEGAL WORLDWIDE! for instance i can go to concerts and loud volume or heavy bass frequencies will not spook me

  3. Definitiely helps to faint the emotional response of negative memories causing PTSD.. yes it does intensify them as well but in organ leven = brain chemistry it inhibits stress hormones very harmful for brains and heart. It regulates neurotransmitters.. Even if the psychological cause doesnt go away.. the symptoms do.. The life threatening physical symptoms that can lead to heart failure

  4. As a Navy corpsman, I've been where it was horrific, yet the Lord has provided a path out. THC in my experience, is one of MANY adjuncts, not a panacea. The medical field is bound by America's traditions and presumptions, thus THC will be incorporated after that foolishness is matured beyond.

  5. Saved my life I have complex ptsd .ocd and adhd. Boys in my room starting at 11. Parents divorces at age of 2. I also lost a child. It helps wih panick attacks and flashbacks of boys and men. All 4 parts of my brain are smaller I'm disabled permently now. Only thing that helps.

  6. What they miss in the ''Marijuana use is associated with worse outcomes etc'' study, is that diffrent types of people use substances in the first place. That is a huuuge factor, a factor that make those statistic pretty much useless to be hoenst.

  7. One thing I will say unlike everyone touting weed as magic medicine in the comments section is that weed can reopen neural pathways you haven’t used in a while so old trauma can resurface and studies show that if it does do this you should stop consumption immediately unfortunately weed isn’t for everyone

  8. The earth's plant HELPS my PTSD and realizing that people cant handle being relaxed off the potency can be paranoid of a feeling they're not use to,.. can turn out uncomfortable and violent if you are hiding the lack of trust to whomever is around. It helps with appetite, which can prevent throat or certain cancers drinking and eating. I like medical doctor recommends; whatever type is best.

  9. I’m a 23 year old recovering benzodiazepine and heroin addict. I grew up in a really dysfunctional home it was literally hell I suffered from a lot of physical and sexual abuse. Marijuana has given me my life back.

  10. I have cPTSD (from emotional abuse) and regular PTSD from my mom dying.

    Where I live weed is legal and I eat it in the form of gummies. It really helps. It lets me relax.

  11. Been smoking for 3 years and can’t quit and feel sick to my stomach all the time really bad nausea. I smoke through an ounce every two weeks maybe 3. Just would like to return to normal feeling again.

  12. Physical and Mental health are our protection against the darkness of the world. They enable us the tools to maintain a good quality of life. There is nothing more important in life.
    As someone with PTSD from a young age (15- I was assaulted and my knee permanently damaged), I used Marijuana to cope. I became addicted, and had a hard time stopping.
    Initially it helped with the symptoms, but over time it worsened them and created additional problems: increased anxiety, poor sleep quality/insomnia (which led to poor levels of exercise), memory problems, financial issues, etc.
    I regret using it regularly rather than adopting healthier strategies with which to cope.
    My takeaway from the whole experience is that marijuana can be a good tool to assist someone who is struggling, but it is better to use it sparingly during periods of severe duress, if at all possible, due to the damage it causes to body and mind.
    Using it on a regular basis simply damages one's health over time, becoming a problem in and of itself. PTSD symptoms need to be dealt with in a sustainable way rather than merely traded for other issues.

  13. I'm not going to lie here yes I do smoke weed to help me calm at night to sleep and yes sometimes if I smoke it will trigger my anxiety bad it all depends how I feel so if I feel like really anxious I do not smoke weed cuz everybody tells me smoke some weed if you feel anxiety I'm not basing on weed at all I love weed but when your anxiety is so high the weed could make it go crazy but everybody is different hell I wish I could smoke weed in my anxiety goes away because my doctor doesn't listen to me so I have to suffer half the time and if I go to the emergency room they judge me and that is b***** you can go to the emergency room with the broken leg you come out with what painkillers you go to the emergency room from having anxiety nine times out of 10 you leave with nothing and they judge you and tell me it's just a Band-Aid well I need a lot of Band-Aids then and it's all about the money too if you don't have the best insurance and if you don't have a lot of money I do truly believe you are treated differently that's my opinion and that's what happens to me

  14. I’ve personally been diagnosed with PTSD around 7 years ago and i tend too deal with things alone I’m not sure about anyone else that has ptsd but I don’t want to put my problems on too others that’s my reason

  15. my ignorant family looks at weed like heroin so just to make matters worst with my PTSD/schizophrenia/depression I simply live in a void mentality don’t let things access me and I don’t let too much out cause I feel as if many won’t care which I’ve experienced a lot throughout my childhood

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