1. Hmm they dont want you growing a plant in your backyard , that is good for nausea ,stimulates hunger, relieves headaches , epilepsy , parkinson's, pain ,stress, anxiety ,ptsd and depression.

    Good job floridians , i personally see no benefit to legalization….. sarcasm intended.

    Too bad the old folks thinks it causes short term Insanity , because they were told that back in the 1930s, 1940s by an evil man who was funded by big pharma , and cotton fields….

    People who get lazy from weed , are just lazy people to begin with, an exception , not the rule.

    It dont make you dumb or kill lots of brain cells , some of the most intelligent people on this planet consume cannabis…

    Its not too potent nowadays either , even with the more potent strains available today , extractions are used to make even more potent versions to adequately treat many conditions , low thc cannabis would just require the patient to consume more to get the same benefit , and given the low toxicity of THC and cannabis , there is NO fear of overdosing , like there is with EVERY otc and prescription medicine.

    People who oppose outright legalization , are either brainwashed by the ignorant , or ignorant themselves, or maybe just biased based on anecdotal evidence.

    If you have seen weed ruin someones life , that person would have ruined their life with alcohol or another drug , regardless that person needs yo work on themselves , not blame cannabis or any other substance for their faults , taking ownership for you actions, a plant that benefits millions wasnt to blame , your person was to blame i assure you , life is not easy and LOTS of people cant handle it , again not the fault of cannabis.

  2. I believe we all need to stand up and say yes . Florida is a beautiful place .and would be great to grow it with no problem at all.and could help slot of people that need it. Stand up for your rights .and never give up . This is america is it not??? Fight to keep weed legal and to grow legal. Have a blessed day πŸ™‚

  3. We need to take a bag of pot seeds, take an airplane, and dust them on the landscape. Let them grow everywhere and laugh at grown men trying to ban nature. What will they do next: ban dandelions?

  4. Sorry for y’all. I’m in a legal state. It’s fucking wonderful. On 4/20 the dispensary gave a goodie bag. Of Doritos, Oreos and custom made green m&ms with a Mountain Dew soda. Fucking incredible.

  5. its more of a problem keeping it illegal and these days its a massive economy makes sense to make it legal and do it properly like alcohol and tabaco and for certain medical

  6. I don't see why the State don't pass the bill of marijuana as legal
    Is a natural plant
    It don't do harm
    They just want business out there to keep going

  7. "A proposed State constitutional amendmant wasn't clear enough that marijuana was still illegal federaly"

    If thats the problem then I purpose we just add this to the bill:

    "We recognise that the Council has made a decision. But given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, We've elected to ignore it."

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