1. Let's go Stormy!!! I'm ready for the abundance. Houston, Tx in the 🏡. Exactly what I say "we can't keep trying to apply 100 yr old shyt to today's 🌎!" Today ppl are literally rising from THE BOTTOM TO THE TOP!!!!! PPL JUST LIKE U & I. Yes ma'am! Continuing Education is a mufuqqa! Keep learning cause life NEVER stops teaching! I'm taking up Mandarin Chinese right now! Went to my 1st Polo match this month! Houston Polo Club! It's on!! Time for us to start gracing different tables. Let's get it folks!!!❤️. Black folks have to realize Wealth is a TEAM SPORT! I'm a MILLIONAIRE IN THE MAKING! I KNOW IT! #$choolMe

  2. Stormy need a power team. Your dreams is not everyone else's dream. Some people just want to be able to pay their bills. I'm praying you build the team you need to take you where you need to go. Automation!!!!

  3. She is just so inspirational. And I am really grateful to have found her. As much crap as people talk about her she is really helping people to glow up in their mentality.

  4. She is literally speaking nothing but fax! I really pity anybody who doesn’t understand that you are the creator of your own reality. Whatever you decide is going to be true for yourself, that is what is going to be true. I understand that not everybody can be rich, not everybody wants to be rich, but everybody needs to understand that everything in your life is a direct result from you.

  5. Not even two minutes into this video and she dropped this gem, "Freedom is my birthright and I'm going to grow until I get it!" Yaaasss Ms. Stormy…keep speaking facts!

  6. I Text you Coach ( Ms.wellington). Im ready To have a Great Mentorship from An A list Woman with the Real Results.. All my life I went hard on the hustle , so the ppl always followed me. Im Great at Listening im a Saggitarius.. same day S Trey songs & Anna Nicole smith.. I will work HARDER THAN 💪 THE REST OF THEM .. IM GONNA PROVE THAT IM NOY JUST A SKILL LESS BEING. WITH DIRECTION & GUIDANCE I KNOW I CAN OUT WORK WHO EVER TO GET TO THE NEXT LEVEL. THIS IS CHESS. IM GONNA LOCK THE ENTIRE PHILADELPHIA DOWN. JUST LET ME HAVE A CHANCE TO PROVE IT. IM THE ONE YOUR LOOKING FOR . MY STORY HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD OR HEARD BY ANYONE. A PHILLY GROWN BUT MULTI RACIAL.. 2 BOY'S ETC. 💙 NEW MONEY TURNS INTO LONG-TERM BUSINESS 👌.. YOUR SO ACCOMPLISHED & Beautiful heart is the 🔑. Your honest & intelligent.

  7. The Bible says do not work to become rich if a person is able to pay their bills and have a little something to save after that that's a blessing because you can't take anything with you the Bible also says do not store up riches because you can't take it with you I think people get the wrong perception about why we have money supposed to utilize money God bless Anyone who reads this passage

  8. Yes the use it or lose it is real , I had to cut ties with a lot of people because I notice how I’ve lost myself helping them and lost alot of money trying to keep up with people that pretend to be on the same thing as me but they weren’t

  9. Is what's the business you doing it's different businesses service products you got the p*** industry you got the cosmetic industry you got the pharmaceutical business is broad like it's a zillion different businesses and a zillion different Business services healthcare trying to manufacture your own aspirin and put it in the dollar store or Walmart you got a developer project is going to make you generational wealth if not you won't always have to keep hustling that you ain't got the right product of business it's going to be around for a hundred years the business got to last for 100 years or more for it to be really official business you going to Japan they got business they got the oldest businesses in the world you are in business you got to go to Japan 🗾 Japan the best business people on the planet they got the oldest businesses in history still running

  10. My imagine if you was making your own cosmetics for women you had a plan distribution plan you had a factory we was making that s*** and he was picking it up in trucks and distributing straight sending it to the houses through the distribution you being like 90 million by that but as long as you ain't got that manufacturing plant but you got the name and you always going to have to pay China

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