Treatment Options for Dogs with Meningitis, Causes of Seizures in Puppies and More! | Facebook Q & A

Veterinary neurologist, Dr. Wong, and neurology resident, Dr. DiVita connect with pet owners to answer questions on meningitis, …


  1. Recently was given a dog who suffered from a heat stroke and breeder was unwilling to spend money on him. Last night he started having what looks like a possible seizure. Hind end kind of locks up, disoriented and heavy drooling. Vets in my area booked up about a month in advance due to covid restrictions. He jumps up out of a dead sleep. Don't expect a Remote diagnosis just please point me in the right direction. I've had dogs all my life but I've never seen anything like this. He jumps up like he's in another world and takes a minute to register where he is.

  2. Hello my name is Mary my daughter's Maltese dog his name is Braxton He has meningitis and he had chemo on Tuesday last week and today had a seizure for quite a long time I want to talk to somebody please help me with my daughter and her dog I feel helpless

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