Virginia first state in South to legalize recreational marijuana

James Avery, a visiting professor at the University of Virginia Medical School, warns of negative effects from the drug. #FoxNews …


  1. Another doctor to tell you what's best 😆 gtfoh you prescribed dope that is far far worse than cannabis I smoked cannabis for 30 yr with NO ILL SIDE EFFECTS

  2. So he basically just pooped on years of evidenced based research in to the actual health benefits.
    He sounds like an old racist advocating to keep public transport out of his neighborhood! The same laws apply on the road where It’s legal; you get caught driving “UNDER THE INFLUENCE” you go to jail. Unfortunately people will abuse it, but the benefit put weighs the ‘potential’ harm.

  3. The only legalization argument need is…..who are you to tell me what plant I can't have? Fine, you aren't allowed to have any plant I want to make up or you go to prison. NO COFFEE OR MAYBE TEA. They are all plants, so again…….WHAT MAKES YOU ABLE TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN OR CANT HAVE? That's my argument for legalization. Debate me and change my mind.

  4. I dont know one person that drives and smokes.. this guy is full himself on most isssues..thc with a baby well how about nictoine in babies blood.. bottom line be dont use disadvantage as stereotype.. if have friends that have collage degrees that inhale..

  5. It’ll lead to more car crashes? Did alcohol lead to more car crashes and issues??? Yes, yes it did. Sooooo the point is leave it up to adults and adults freedom to make choices. We don’t outlaw skiing, skydiving, beer, cigarettes, guns, prozac, extreme sports cars, motorcycles, no helmets, NFL tackles, boxing, et al. So you sir, are the problem. Stay out of my home. Btw, I’m conservative.

  6. They just dont want people that wouldn't normally use it to realize that it is better than all those chemicals that the Dr. James Avery's of the U.S. will prescribe us. They want to protect the big pharmaceutical monopolies.

  7. Just like Fox News to have on some goof that is spouting a bunch of lies… he says the science says Marijuana is more problematic than initially thought. Blatant lie. It's actually the opposite. You notice he didn't actually cite any specific scientific studies. This is the type of person that has kept marijuana on Schedule 1 and millions in jail for the last 80 years.

  8. I drive high every day bro you forgot that most of us are seasoned smokers… Some of us need it to function day to day. i have a anxiety disorder. Without it can't function.

  9. Hey I know that doctor, he used to over prescribe me oxy 30’s haha, of course you don’t want cannabis, you destroyed my early twenties and are happily paid for it.

  10. More problematic than we thought? Dude it’s a schedule 4 substance. The harshest category of illegal substances. Your ignorant and it shows. As one grown man to another you have zero right to decide what I put in my body especially not marijuana. If you don’t want to personally or your against your immediate family using it fine perfectly fine but leave Me the f**k alone. I don’t go to your house and decide what you can eat or drink.

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