SUBSCRIBE: Hey guys! This week we’re cleaning, working, CBD cures my aches and …


  1. This is going to sound weird. I live near you and I’ll totally organise your makeup like it would totally calm me just to meet you and organise everything fuuuucks sake haha honest to fuck I would do it without you there ha haha x Barrheed organising weirdo, I’m studying to be an accountant. But man I would love to do that!!

  2. When I lived in Linwood, I used to have a season ticket to the Clyde Valley garden centers and Cardwell bay!!!! Here we have Glendoik but haven't been yet…….. OMG what I would do in a make up room like that… I'd be trying out all the products be like being in Heaven lol!!! oxoxo

  3. Hi Jamie, I’ve always enjoyed your videos, but it was a bit disappointing to hear you say that when you hurt your back that you’re, “useless”. There are many people with injuries or disabilities that are unable to do many things, (let alone sit on the floor and clean and tidy an entire room), but it doesn’t render them useless. No shade – just offering a perspective of how that can potentially affect some people with disabilities that watch your content. 🖤

  4. omg ooooops. I binge watched money heist and stayed up way too late too lol. my husband was so annoyed a couple months back when I did that ahahahaha,

  5. Jamie, your make up when you take the mask off is literally untouched 🤣
    Do you have any tips on how to maintain it? Thank you in advance from an NHS worker fed up of having a red nose🤣🤪

  6. I’m not sure if you have them in Scotland but here in the USA at Walmart we have these foot booties there these foot slippers you put on for a hr and take them off and your feet peel about 4 days later amazing !

  7. Such a beautiful Garden centre. Everyone is excited about being able to leave the house, I've been working 6 nights a week 14hr shifts since the lockdown and all i want to do to stay hoooome! LMAO.

  8. I’ve got 2 bulging discs and work in a care home. I swear by a chiropractor for back care and maintenance. So glad you got to get out, your food looked lovely. I took a drip to Nando’s and it was so worth it! Xx

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