We NEED to talk about CBD flower…

Today we need to discuss the ever growing topic of CBD flower / Industrial hemp. There is a big difference. This is what you need …


  1. Hey man! If you know smoking cigarettes is a disgusting habit don't go throwing them on the floor on a nature walk!!!!! That's the last thing we want to see when walking in the woods.

  2. This video is quite misleading, and a lot of the information is incorrect. Sorry, Drew! Industrial hemp is not male cannabis, both male and female hemp flowers are grown together in the same field. That’s how we get hemp seed as foodstuff
 Cannabis is a dioecious plant producing pistillate (female) inflorescence & staminate (male) inflorescence. In terms of their taxonomy, High THC, High CBD & Industrial hemp are all exactly the same species – Cannabis sativa (Indica & ruderalis being sub-species). This is all very contentious, depending on how you define a species (this isn’t agreed upon within the field of Biology). Each variety has just been selectively bred over a long period of time to express different morphological traits and/or chemical compositions, such as stem fibre in regard to industrial hemp, or THC/CBD content & size of the flower for consumable Cannabis. Just like Brassica oleracea has been selectively bred & hybridised to produce Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Kale and Cabbage from the same species. Industrial hemp is defined as having under 0.2% under law not as a biological classification measure, but so that licensed hemp growers cannot produce significant quantities of the psychoactive substance THC. CBD flower is still Cannabis, it’s just that the same amount of effort that has gone into breeding high THC strains for desirable characteristics (such as flavour, density, effect, trichome coverage, yield etc) has not yet happened with strains with lower CBD content. Yes, industrial hemp varieties have been bred with high THC strains to produce the catalogue/variety of high CBD strains we now have, but that doesn’t make it any less ‘Cannabis’. (The fact that they can interbreed to produce viable offspring is partly what makes them the same species) – it’s just a different Genotype & Chemotype of the Cannabis sativa plant.

  3. you have no idea what your talking about, we still have hemp in the uk, long thin one stem plants with seeds what farmers grow thats industrial hemp as we dedfine it drew, cbd bud is not hemp its actually a specially bred version of the female plant thats got less than 1%thc. its gmo stuff nothing some wide eared stoner would no anything about so you really shouldnt even be making videos.

  4. Britain produces 77.8% of the GLOBAL Medical Cannabis.
    British Sugar grows medical cannabis in Norfolk for GW Pharmaceuticals in it’s 18 hectare glasshouses.

  5. discussing whats hemp and whats flower is unnecessary cause technically flower is hemp, theoretically a fiber hemp strain could even have thc only difference is they are pretty stalky fibery strains but still cannabis, only words people made up to categorize stuff, its all fugasi.
    Also as i have a hemp field right outside the door: HEMP IS NOT JUST MALES, such a strain would forunately not be interbreedable for stabilization in the first place idk why people believe that, actually as good as no males there, just unprotected cbd buds u can bulk up on if u want xD

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