What every parent should know about febrile seizures

June 16 seemed like any other day for little Parker Palma. His mother said he was his usual playful self with the exception of a …


  1. My daughter just had one this morning for the first time and is by far the most terrifying thing I have experienced as a parent so far. I stayed calm and laid her on her side and spoke soft and calm to her until it passed which seemed like forever but I think it only lasted about 15 seconds or so. Me and my wife took her to the ER and they gave her some Zofran for her nausea and Tylenol for her fever she's doing better and napping now. I stayed level headed this whole time but now that everything seems to have calmed down I'm on the verge of tears. In my 32 years of living this has to be the most scared I've ever been in my life.

  2. I cannot find one single video of a real febrile seizure on the internet. Please someone find one for me. Our son had some type of seizure with a high fever but it wasn’t anything like seizures I’ve seen before. And it was hours AFTER his fever had returned to normal. He had delirium, some hyperventilating and some convulsing. He was not completely in reality but he was aware and reacting to stimuli. His muscles were rigid like a seizure but he could talk, barely. The event lasted about 20-30 minutes and recurred 4 times overnight. EMT’s weren’t there when they occurred.
    We had given him ibuprofen and then later acetaminophen per doctor’s orders, but we think he may have had the reaction due to the two medications AND the infection.
    Took him to the ER and tested negative for Covid, RSV and strep.
    Has seemed normal for the last 2 days.
    It was terrifying. I’ve never seen anything like this with the exception of a severe adverse reaction to medication.

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