Why People Use CBD Lotions, Oils and Creams | Mike’s Garage

In this episode Mike talks about the CBD oils creams and lotions for you and your pets. cbd,cbd oil,cbd benefits,thc vs cbd,what is …

1 Comment

  1. Hi mike i just came across your pod cast in july 2019 and my basic training wasn't like yours at all. Maybe i told u but we lived in 6 man tents that we set up on a concrete slabs left over from WW2 at fort Jackson south Carolina. I was drafted in august which was hot down there and finished basic training in the end of October and it was getting cold in the mornings. One advantage of living in a tent for 2 months was there wasn't any physical barracks inspections like cleaning floors,walls,latrines and so forth. The drill sergeant would just stick his head into the tent tell us to get up because he had a whole company of New York and south Carolina draftees 2 wake up. They were easy on us i guess because of us living in tents for 2 months. there was no harassment just physical training, m14 rifle training , hand 2 hand combat and the tear gas chamber. What i couldn't understand when we had go and bivouac and stay in a tent over night in the field our company had been living in tents for a month and half already go figure. Since i had my military drivers license in basic i drove a major, he didn't much just put it in 4 wheel drive when we got stuck in the sand in a international scout on this sandy dusty road 2 the bivouac area. Sometimes volunteering works out for the best for you. The Next step is Aberdeen proving grounds Maryland.

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