A Dearborn Heights woman who was on Xanax and an opioid suffered painful withdrawals. (May 30, 2019)
I got prescriptions for valium. Even tho bottle says one full tablet a day i only take a quarter of one when needed. Propanol a beta blocker is much more safe especially to calm anxiety. I wont take the amount it says as its easily abused. If doctors say take one every 4 hours try hardest to avoid taking any unless absolutely necessary. And halve or quarter it don’t take full dose
These drugs are some of the worst ever to be invented! I was prescribed them along with many peers in my town at the age of 18. Nobody who was prescribed them was ever able to stop taking them that I know. I finally got off them recently after a hospital stay where they didn’t give enough of the drug on time and i went into withdrawal, even while being IV’ed valium and Ativan. Because they couldn’t stabilize me, a decision was made to detox me from the drugs and while it was the worst thing by far i have ever gone through, i woke up very happy to be off! It is every bit as horrible as this woman makes it out to be. I would describe my experience as having a body that is in so much pain theres no longer room for a personality to fit. I did not experience most of the withdrawal first hand and i more or less traded being conscious in for a few days where I was totally gone, had to be restrained, broke the restraints, and injured myself fighting all while unconscious. When I came to as myself, the first thing I said after a nurse told me it was time to take my thiamine and folic acid was “ok, ill pee them right out.” I slowly figured out that this was actually the first thing I said that made any sense. Doctors were expecting a dopy kid to come to, not an intelligent young man. There were many nurses that came into my room just to tell me how different I was. I take it they rarely see someone so addicted to drugs that they cant speak, and they were all seemingly shocked to find out the way I got there was with a doctor. I took this as an opportunity to share with them how horrible these drugs are, both being on them AND stopping them. I also warned them about the insane number of 18 year olds prescribed them that all get “stuck.” Hopefully with enough education we will see this man made health condition disappear!
Prayers up for this woman. I relate a lot to everything she said being a recovering addict myself. But I can imagine the pain she must be going through having been on it for 7 years! I was addicted for only about half a year and had to stop because I was literally killing myself if I didn’t. Taking 5-10 at once and mixing it with alcohol then not remembering anything at all for months yeah… parents eventually caught on and I needed to quit and now here I am close to relapse but watching these videos and remembering is what stopped me from relapsing.
I understand you completely.I withdrew from Klonopin for sleep 7 years ago and I still have awful protracted withdrawals.All we can do is the best we can do and pray for each other .These benzo effect your brain and every organ in your body.I pray for the elderly that are given benzos for sleeping and when abruptly taken off because of their behavior are then diagnosis with dementia.They are going through withdrawals that heroin addict go through and they donot know what is happening to them.Doctors please stop prescribing benzos to people that are not aware how addictive they are.I still suffer from chronic insomnia.I am praying daily for all of us,God bless never,ever give up and I Love All of you.
I’ve just been cut off by my doctor after 4 years . I feel like I’m dying . I’ve already had a small seizure . I don’t wanna go to the er because I don’t think they will help . Can somebody help in some sort of way . I don’t know what to do !!!!
I used to pop 15-20 Xanax a day for about a year straight. Started meeting god during my sleep to close to death. Tried to quit cold turkey almost died from the withdrawals. Instead each week I took 2 or 3 less until I was down to 1 and no longer reliant. Thank you God.
She says thousands of people?? More like millions and millions. My opinion over 50% of population is In addiction or Recovery Or all the deaths happening Every where
I have PTSD from the Military and I have never had anxiety up until now and my Dr. put me on 1 mg Xanax twice a day. They will not work the next day if you take the same amount so you must take more to get the same relief. I've only been on this med now for 6 month's and the first month I was on it I abused it because I got no effect the next time I took it. This led to me taking 5 at a time and when I ran out and couldn't get any more I went into withdrawal. I didn't think that I would become addicted in that short of a time period but yep I did. I now understand how normal everyday people who are well adjusted can become drug addict's and look for them on the black market. I told my Dr. that I took too many and he told me that he expected that given my current state of mind with this whole Ukraine thing going on and it bringing up seriously bad memory's and dreams for me. I was kind of flabbergasted at his attitude toward my abusing the drug. I don't know much at all about med's and I trust him because he has been a GREAT Dr. far better than most I've dealt with at the VA, but he still gave me them, only he cut me down to 1 a day and I have stuck with that amount ever since. I was expecting to get the feeling the drug gives you at first as the feeling I was supposed to have from it all the time, but that isn't what they are for, they are to prevent the anxiety BEFORE it happens and you aren't supposed to be Buzzed from it like you are the first time you take it, which is a wonderful feeling to me, but far too good feeling for me to be safe wanting that feeling all the time that you just aren't going to get from the drug on a daily basis if you don't abuse it. I don't want to be addicted to a drug at all, but if I have to take this for the rest of my life and I can wean off if I get better then I will stay on it because it does work if you use it correctly. I'm 59 and don't want to be on this for life but I also don' like the feeling I get from the anxiety either.
I feel for those who were prescribed this poison drug. I'm 2 years free from this drug and I'm still struggling with physical and mental wd symptoms. It's never ending. I've learned it will take years for my brain, cns, and gut to get back to some kind of balance (healing). This process is torture. Too the people out there, avoid at all cost taking any anti anxiety, depression, mental, pain or sleep aided prescription drugs.
Keep in mind this is my personal opinion. But I got cut off cold turkey for 45 days. My advice, don't look at the horror stories on the internet, focus on how you really REALLY feel. The mind will freak out if that's what you think your mind is supposed to do. It wasn't nearly as bad as the nightmare I was expecting. Now I was taking 2-3 mg of klonopin daily which may be small potatoes compared to what others take prescribed or illicitly. The thought of not having that "life saving pill" was worse than the actual withdrawal. Again, my opinion. If you don't like it take a Xanax and calm down
I stopped diazepam couple years ago cold Turkey just thinking i could stop any time it's only a tablet. Boy was i wrong i was hospitalized 3 times before i got put back on them and tapered off. The withdrawal lasts for months aswell sometimes up to a year.
I took a year to taper off Xanax. It was at times horrendous. You can’t imagine what it’s like unless you go through it. I’m pretty good now, but man, there were times I would of been alright if I happened to die.
I got prescriptions for valium. Even tho bottle says one full tablet a day i only take a quarter of one when needed. Propanol a beta blocker is much more safe especially to calm anxiety. I wont take the amount it says as its easily abused. If doctors say take one every 4 hours try hardest to avoid taking any unless absolutely necessary. And halve or quarter it don’t take full dose
clean 1 month today….
These drugs are some of the worst ever to be invented! I was prescribed them along with many peers in my town at the age of 18. Nobody who was prescribed them was ever able to stop taking them that I know. I finally got off them recently after a hospital stay where they didn’t give enough of the drug on time and i went into withdrawal, even while being IV’ed valium and Ativan. Because they couldn’t stabilize me, a decision was made to detox me from the drugs and while it was the worst thing by far i have ever gone through, i woke up very happy to be off! It is every bit as horrible as this woman makes it out to be. I would describe my experience as having a body that is in so much pain theres no longer room for a personality to fit. I did not experience most of the withdrawal first hand and i more or less traded being conscious in for a few days where I was totally gone, had to be restrained, broke the restraints, and injured myself fighting all while unconscious. When I came to as myself, the first thing I said after a nurse told me it was time to take my thiamine and folic acid was “ok, ill pee them right out.” I slowly figured out that this was actually the first thing I said that made any sense. Doctors were expecting a dopy kid to come to, not an intelligent young man. There were many nurses that came into my room just to tell me how different I was. I take it they rarely see someone so addicted to drugs that they cant speak, and they were all seemingly shocked to find out the way I got there was with a doctor. I took this as an opportunity to share with them how horrible these drugs are, both being on them AND stopping them. I also warned them about the insane number of 18 year olds prescribed them that all get “stuck.” Hopefully with enough education we will see this man made health condition disappear!
I'm off of Xanax a year….changing your diet helps….I quit cold turkey.
You can only take alprazolam for 12 weeks max, not years SMH.
Prayers up for this woman. I relate a lot to everything she said being a recovering addict myself. But I can imagine the pain she must be going through having been on it for 7 years! I was addicted for only about half a year and had to stop because I was literally killing myself if I didn’t. Taking 5-10 at once and mixing it with alcohol then not remembering anything at all for months yeah… parents eventually caught on and I needed to quit and now here I am close to relapse but watching these videos and remembering is what stopped me from relapsing.
I take 0.25mg once every few days to a week. Are these people taking Xanax every day??
I wont that jail to be sued for real.
I understand you completely.I withdrew from Klonopin for sleep 7 years ago and I still have awful protracted withdrawals.All we can do is the best we can do and pray for each other .These benzo effect your brain and every organ in your body.I pray for the elderly that are given benzos for sleeping and when abruptly taken off because of their behavior are then diagnosis with dementia.They are going through withdrawals that heroin addict go through and they donot know what is happening to them.Doctors please stop prescribing benzos to people that are not aware how addictive they are.I still suffer from chronic insomnia.I am praying daily for all of us,God bless never,ever give up and I Love All of you.

That is absolutely criminal. I've been through it. I know your agony. I'm so glad you made it. Love you.
God bless you! I’m a survivor too!
I fought for 10 years!
I’m here if you need me too!
I hope you all will be free and happy one day.
I’ve just been cut off by my doctor after 4 years . I feel like I’m dying . I’ve already had a small seizure . I don’t wanna go to the er because I don’t think they will help . Can somebody help in some sort of way . I don’t know what to do !!!!
I used to pop 15-20 Xanax a day for about a year straight. Started meeting god during my sleep to close to death. Tried to quit cold turkey almost died from the withdrawals. Instead each week I took 2 or 3 less until I was down to 1 and no longer reliant. Thank you God.
She says thousands of people?? More like millions and millions. My opinion over 50% of population is In addiction or Recovery Or all the deaths happening Every where
If you are interested in getting some good quality stuff inbox
She has got to sue as well as the family of that man in jail
I have PTSD from the Military and I have never had anxiety up until now and my Dr. put me on 1 mg Xanax twice a day. They will not work the next day if you take the same amount so you must take more to get the same relief. I've only been on this med now for 6 month's and the first month I was on it I abused it because I got no effect the next time I took it. This led to me taking 5 at a time and when I ran out and couldn't get any more I went into withdrawal. I didn't think that I would become addicted in that short of a time period but yep I did. I now understand how normal everyday people who are well adjusted can become drug addict's and look for them on the black market. I told my Dr. that I took too many and he told me that he expected that given my current state of mind with this whole Ukraine thing going on and it bringing up seriously bad memory's and dreams for me. I was kind of flabbergasted at his attitude toward my abusing the drug. I don't know much at all about med's and I trust him because he has been a GREAT Dr. far better than most I've dealt with at the VA, but he still gave me them, only he cut me down to 1 a day and I have stuck with that amount ever since. I was expecting to get the feeling the drug gives you at first as the feeling I was supposed to have from it all the time, but that isn't what they are for, they are to prevent the anxiety BEFORE it happens and you aren't supposed to be Buzzed from it like you are the first time you take it, which is a wonderful feeling to me, but far too good feeling for me to be safe wanting that feeling all the time that you just aren't going to get from the drug on a daily basis if you don't abuse it. I don't want to be addicted to a drug at all, but if I have to take this for the rest of my life and I can wean off if I get better then I will stay on it because it does work if you use it correctly. I'm 59 and don't want to be on this for life but I also don' like the feeling I get from the anxiety either.
For me it isn't that bad I just have extreme insomnia
I take pins but rarely only when I need it. I know how bad benzos are.
This is cruel and unusual punishment. I went 15 days without my rx meds. I was literally dying by the time I got out.
Hard to be tortured if you're dead, really. I think she was thinking of the expression 'like being burned alive'
I thank God till this day
I love it when people get on xanax it's funny
anyone else here thats 16 and trying to learn about xanax b4 u try it
I feel for those who were prescribed this poison drug. I'm 2 years free from this drug and I'm still struggling with physical and mental wd symptoms. It's never ending. I've learned it will take years for my brain, cns, and gut to get back to some kind of balance (healing). This process is torture. Too the people out there, avoid at all cost taking any anti anxiety, depression, mental, pain or sleep aided prescription drugs.
Keep in mind this is my personal opinion. But I got cut off cold turkey for 45 days. My advice, don't look at the horror stories on the internet, focus on how you really REALLY feel. The mind will freak out if that's what you think your mind is supposed to do. It wasn't nearly as bad as the nightmare I was expecting. Now I was taking 2-3 mg of klonopin daily which may be small potatoes compared to what others take prescribed or illicitly. The thought of not having that "life saving pill" was worse than the actual withdrawal. Again, my opinion. If you don't like it take a Xanax and calm down
I stopped diazepam couple years ago cold Turkey just thinking i could stop any time it's only a tablet. Boy was i wrong i was hospitalized 3 times before i got put back on them and tapered off. The withdrawal lasts for months aswell sometimes up to a year.
i know how she feel smfh!!!
I’m going through this right now … it’s so fucked . DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTOR GIVE YOU THIS DRUG … it’s not worth it. God bless
Pharmacy translates to sorcery. It's all witchcraft I'm an addict as well. But God WILL See us all through

I took a year to taper off Xanax. It was at times horrendous. You can’t imagine what it’s like unless you go through it. I’m pretty good now, but man, there were times I would of been alright if I happened to die.