Cannabis (CBD Hemp Oil) Saves Infants Life – Science of Weed

Check out Sadie, an 11-month-old baby suffering from …


  1. my baby 2 month already take hemp oil because he got whooping cough , some suggest me take hemp oil for reducing virus . Now he trauma after back from hospital , he cry louder , his feet shacking because medication every 6 hour ,take gas and other treatment . Morning i give him hemp oil and night i give him antibiotics

  2. thank you for sharing your story….I wish your precious angel much health and happiness….she is already ahead of the game with wonderful parents…un beso enorme para esa bebota linda

  3. My daughter has been suffering from lennox-gastaut syndrome which is a rare type of epilepsy that is keeping her from developing cognitively. I first felt her seizures as usual "kicks" in her mother's stomach. She was hospitalized in her second month of existence in this world and has been on anti epilepsy meds since. I have felt that cannibus would be the answer since 2010. She is 5 now and i feel like it's time to try it. Thank you for your courage and thank you for this video. It's going to be the answer for my Jazlyn. God bless you.

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