CBD For Aspergers & Autism – CBD Drops, Vaping CBD & CBD Tea

WARNING ⚠ – Please do your own research and ALWAYS consult a doctor before taking CBD. It interacts with other …


  1. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was younger and I believe its possible to overcome the disorders. Honestly in the world we live in today, most normal people have a couple symptoms of Asperger’s in some way or another. That being said, I believe cannabis itself can help mentally fix one or more of the symptoms as it did for me. Cannabis helped me mentally, less awkward around others(especially females), socially selective, just more aware of things. I originally used it to stop drinking, and then eventually a tool to be a better person. I don’t use it anymore but it worked for me.

  2. THC is a strange thing for me. When I use it frequently, I have positive effects and no anxiety triggered by it.
    When I use it infrequently, the positive effects are smaller and it causes an anxiety spike.
    I've been using it nightly for a few years now as it's the only thing that helps me sleep.
    CBD alone doesn't work, I need the entourage effect.

  3. I'm considering trying cbd for my anxiety and panic attacks. However I researched cbd oil and high blood pressure (I'm on meds for my high blood pressure) and cbd can interact with high blood pressure medication. I realize now that years of anxiety have given me high blood pressure. IF I had tried cbd years ago I may have relaxed in day to day life and not been put on blood pressure medication. I will consult with my doctor and see what my options are.

  4. I have Asperger's and have started day 1 on taking CBD oil my biggest problem in life is limited interest in things that I want to enjoy more TV video games movies hanging with family isn't as enjoying as it should my question is would CBD help me with that? Would it make me more happy?

  5. I can't have weed/THC because of my mental health conditions and medications, but I want to try CBD because I think it would help me with sleep and anxiety, a lot of which is probably related to ASD. I need to get approval from my psychiatrist to try CBD, but hopefully she will approve it and there's a CBD shop right in my town so hopefully I will have easy access to it!

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