CBD Substantially Improves Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs

Free Webinar: Top 5 Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Cats.. Dr Jones’ Free Book…


  1. A little off topic,and not sure if you'll see this,but I'm desperately trying to get some correct info on using black walnut tincture for dogs. I'm seeing conflicting info on using it internally,but am also curious about alternatively using it externally for a stubborn and widespread skin yeast infection on my AmStaff. Any info from you or even other commenters here would be SO much appreciated ~!!

  2. I started my little dog on local, unpasteurised honey about 4 weeks ago for environmental allergies. Before this I had to keep him off any grass…..
    The results where amazing. After the 1st dose of quarter teaspoon daily, I could see the difference. Far less scratching etc. very quick results. Last summer was a nightmare with him, I had to keep him with me at all times to stop him chewing and scratching. After about 3 weeks of the honey I reduced it down to an eight of a teaspoon daily. My only concern is giving him the honey as it has a high glycemic index. His itching has improved by about 95%. I am thinking about trying the CBD oil so I can stop the honey hopefully completely. But I was just wandering if it might be a good idea for anyone struggling with dog allergies (environmental) to use initially until the CBD oil kicks in. With my westie the results where so amazingly quick. As I understand the honey is not appropriate for diabetic dogs.

  3. My Maltese/Chi suffered from serious atopic allergies while being fed premium kibble only sold @ vet. His solution give meds! That's when a bulb went off in my head…why would I buy food from my vet, then have to buy meds from him to make my dog better? I decided to switch to a balanced raw diet. Immediately everything stopped! No more food allergies that was just the beginning of the benefits from a raw diet. Fast forward 16yrs later. Rocco is full of vitality, beautiful teeth, no cataracts, no limping (arthritis)…apart from annual checkup he has not required any veterinary intervention since switching to a raw diet… it's a game changer to your pets life/health…
    If you need more info I'll gladly share what I know. Blessings 🌟

  4. First time I've seen CBD applied to skin. Would you do a video on cancer treatments that can be applied to the skin? Can turmeric? Can I combine turmeric with DSMO and apply the resulting paste directly to the tumor. I heard about anti-angiogenic cream on a Ted talk, but I don't know how to find or make these options. You did one vid with turmeric berberine and pepper, but I don't think my cat will eat it. Would it absorb without dsmo? She is happy to have cbd rubbed on her tumor. Could Ascorbic acid be applied to the skin, or would it be itchy? I would really like to see a video with anti-cancer skin applications.

  5. Can gabapentin give my dog skin rash similar to Steven's Syndrome? My dog was put on gabapentin and this week his groin and back legs have this redish rash! My vet says is not the pill! I am questioning that.

  6. My dog's has allergies/hot spots can I give him CBD and where can I find it?? I live in PNW, I'm going on the holistic way. I presently give them (4) raw honey.

  7. I couldn’t get the webinar link to open:( I’d really like to sign up, as my terrier mix is currently in late stage bladder cancer. THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO HELP OUR PETS❤️

  8. Oh wow! Going to try this; I already have my mini-schnauzer on probiotics, it's helped a bit. We live in the interior of B.C. and the pollen right now is just crazy. Where do I purchase the CBD oil? Signing up for your webinar now.
    BTW, I just love your "demo" dog Tula, she's an absolute sweetheart! 💜

  9. I clicked on the CBD Webinar link from my Android phone and my Apple iPad and from both I only got a blank white page. I will try again later. 💛

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