CURE Week – Curing Epilepsy

Executive Chancellor and Provost of the University of California at San Francisco, Dr. Dan Lowenstein, speaks about the …


  1. Im a epileptic 20 year old with febrile seizures im a strong beleaver that there is a cure it just takes experiments and a perfect balance of nutrition no processed foods. Every case of epilepsy is different. When i was younger undiagnosed the more seizures i had the less strong they where. And sometimes i would go weeks or months without a seizure without medical treatment. Just recently i been taking medication with a horrible diet for 3 years missed my meds 1 time and i had the worst seizure i ever had to where it felt life threatening. After this one im a strong beleaver you are what you eat and drink this seizure could of changed my life in a good way i hope i find a cure.

  2. I have seen on youtube where they have researched curcumin/tumetic in other countries and it has helped with seizures. Curcumin helps reduce inflammation in the brain and possibly that is what causes seizures. I have read that adding ginger and curcumin daily is very beneficial. Many people are using CBD Hemp oil and helping, look up the story of Charlotte's Web.

  3. if there was a cure for epilepsy doesn't seizures come back either way? I have seizures since I was 13 months old I was having no seizures for 3 years like 2009 or 2010 through 2012 because I got off my medication for not having any seizures(yes I spoke with my doctor with my mom about it I was 12)but then when I almost got off medication(only the sleep meds) by 1 day I had a seizure while sleeping that was different from my other seizures I use to have them in the day(couple times it did happen when I was at soccer practice at high school in 2015 or gym for a program in 2018)so point is probably can't go away either way so now I'm 21 I be 22 June 1st still have seizures at night from now on

  4. I can not stop talking about the good deed Dr ONO on YouTube has done in my life his natural herbs cured me from HSV 2 you need to contact him on his channel Dr ONO is a Miracle worker.

  5. What I have learned As a Epilepsy Patient

    • It’s hard to bear, but we cannot lose hope to get healthy one day.

    • We can reduce ratio of attacks, if we follow doctor’s advices in our daily routine.

    • We have to spread awareness about epilepsy, and show the world that nothing is impossible in life.

    • There are many people who are suffering from epilepsy, but they are living their lives very happily.

    • It’s a continuous struggle to keep Yourself focus on your goals rather then worry about your disease.

  6. Recalling on how i first contacted herbal Dr. kwaloe on you tube who helped me get rid of my long term genital herpes virus that have been eaten me up over the years, I am glad i came across him on you tube.

  7. How can i keep shut after beating herpes that has been marked incurable by the medical doctors ! herbal Dr Ogudugu on YouTube helped me cure the herpes simplex permanently with his roots and herbs supplement remedy.

  8. I highly recommend Dr ONO on YouTube for his amazing gesture on his natural herbs that he used in curing my genital HSV I’m always thankful Dr ONO he also cure any type of disease in the body system you can go on his YouTube channel for more info

  9. Hlo DR
    DR I got seizure once
    I Have traveled long way and I wos restless and there wos no sleep 1 night and I have completed my all check ups like (ECG ,brain scan, NRI,
    evrthgs normal can I get Seizure again ? Pls Dr reply me

  10. I have ELPLESY and I remembered how I felt when the doctor told me it will be very hard for me to conceive but , all to the glory of GOD that after using Dr akho1 HERBAL on YouTube natural infective herbal medication am a mother of four kids . Thank you doctor for making me a fruitful woman

  11. i am a student and ive been having epilepsy since i was 8 now i am 22 coming december ive been getting minor epileptic attacks ever week i know there's no cure to it other than surgery but am tired of it i hardly have friends am worried if i wont be able to work or play sports because of it

  12. I’m 19 most of my life I’ve had to live with the fact that my brother isn’t gonna be able to live a normal life and it hurts me. I think to myself everyday about how he was once a kid just like me, with hopes and dreams. He at point had plans to have his own family and it hurts to know that, that might never happen. There’s no worse pain than seeing him suffer, seeing him not be able to live a normal life. He takes insane doses of medication and nothing has helped. I pray that the god is with you and provides you with the knowledge to find a cure 🙏🏾

  13. I woke up with four small clear fluid filled bumps on the left side of my lip. I got rid of it permanently with Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home..

  14. My daughter had seizure when she was at the age of 7years old. We got a called from her school teacher that she fell down from the chair and had seizure. Before the seizure starts she told to her teacher to switch off the air conditioner since she feels cool. But the teacher did not listen to her and after a while she had attack. Why there is no any permanent remedy for epilepsy??

  15. It was a worrisome day for my little sister when I discovered she was suffering from the HPV virus, even as a nurse I couldn’t help my blood sister so painful , I never knew she will get healed because it was such a terrible diseases till I met this herbal doctor saviour whom cured her from her HPV virus of 18years😭…. firstly it contacted him through my boss in the office whom the herbal doctor cured from aids according to him, he was searching for cure of aids online when he came across his contact with the viral good news of people of how he cured plenty and many incurable disease he decided to give a try and then days after the herbal drugs arrived and he took it and his health was reading negative from the deadly virus. I believe him too and ask for the herbal doctor contact .. 3days I got my ordered herbal medicine through DHL delivery and I gave my sister as described, today she is cured from the HPV virus .. am happy ,,don’t get yourself killed when there is certainly cure in traditional herbals .. you can contact the healer doctor on

    WhatsApp: +2347050564089

  16. My dog has terrible drug resistant epilepsy. Herbs help but then they lose effectiveness. He’s on cbd too but still gets them every two weeks. If anyone has anything that has helped, please let me know.

  17. Hey man! I have myoclonic epilepsy. Is there any natural remedies to ease out my ticks? I have a keppra named medicine for my ticks and seizures currently but overtime my tolerance is building up and my ticks are slowly coming back and i have trouble sometimes with my hobbies.

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