Discipline = Freedom | The Most Important Thing You Need

Discipline is one of these things people shy away from in all walks of life. Hopefully, this video can help you start adding more of it …


  1. I see a lot of people talking about the emergence of pleasure after having a routine due to discipline. That having a routine makes you finish what you need to do so you can relax during your free time. Of course, in a sense this is true, but I believe the power of discipline lies in unlocking the power of true self control. If you're disciplined, you do whatever you need to do based on rational decisions. Therefore, discipline equals freedom means for me that discipline unlocks true self control, as YOU control you. You don't let yourself be controlled by emotional or mental states that end up in you indulging. That's why it's the most important thing we need. Everything in life is losely based on the desire to have power (power is freedom) and to unlock full freedom, you need to have the freedom to control yourself, free from cravings and emotions.

  2. I've been teaching my sons that by building a routine you can get to do so much more of the fun stuff you want to do. By being disciplined it helps you create the moments where you can go off script because you know you have a solid base to return to. This was an awesome and heartfelt post man. I appreciate it considerably.

  3. When I started boxing, I thought I would never figure out how to shadowbox. Hitting the bag felt natural, as did sparring. But to just let my hands go like that? I felt so awkward and uncoordinated.

  4. More discipline, more routine means more time to do things you enjoy. And trust me weed hits different when you're really feeling that good kind of tired, like you put in some work that day and you have a system in place for the next day. More discipline means more freedom.

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