Hemp Plaster

Application of Hemp Plaster on interior stone walls of farmhouse in Switzerland. More info on Steve Allin’s website …


  1. The texture of the hemp looks finer than what they use for hempcrete. For hempcrete, they use the leftover center part of stem after the hemp fiber has been stripped from them. This stuff looks hairier and finer. I wonder what kind they use.

  2. "Need their walls to breathe" are you aware of basic building physics? In/Exfiltration through materials is less that 1% of all air change in house. All of the 99+% are from cracks and gaps in construction. What's the lamda(tested) value for this plaster?

  3. The future will be a bunch of endocannabinoid-endowed, potentially "high" drivers in durable, dent-resistant hemp (bumper) cars. Stoned drivers could bump into eachother in their hemp cars and they wouldn't even need to trade hemp-plastic insurance/drivers license cards.

    They could just go home and polish the car with hemp paint and wax.

    Get over it… It's time for a hemp-topia, one hemp brick at a a time!

  4. Great use of hemp plaster! Love the finish! I have been using American Clay and would love to learn another eco finish to put in my portfolio. Damn! I wish we could produce great hemp products like this in the U.S.!!!! Thanks for this video~!

  5. @guydecervens Glad it made you laugh check out an even more extreme example of Hippies using state of the art technology. This will probably have you on the floor laughing. But when you've finished have ing hysterics…….close your mouth and put your shoulder to the wheel as the " straights " have made an ugly mess that needs to cleared up oh and while youre at it pass the rizlas

  6. HEMP Revolution!!! IF we just hydroponic skyscrapers on every block like we should and could we wouldn't even need trucks, ok maybe just a little but it would transform everything

  7. cool, is it just water and the plants cut down to mulch ? is it compatible to the earthship-concept ? They are using old tyres filled with dirt and concrete i think… could one exchange the concrete with this hemp plaster ?

  8. Not sure what you mean by jammy but I don't go about much doing my hemp courses and when I do it is usually to teach people to build their own structures. Chill out and conside rwhat honesty really means just because it's your opinion doesn't make it true.

  9. A proper Hawk and trowel as you suggest does not work with hemp plaster .For the material to have sufficient insulation qualities it is not a plastic or spreadable as a normal plaster. We have found that by the time you have loaded the stuff onto the hawk in large enough quantities to work fast with, you could have put it directly onto the wall
    This video shows the techniques not the speed with which we can put it on the wall,it can be faster .
    Besides it's more fun and less tiring on the arms!

  10. Quicker maybe! but speed is not everything. Some folk are interested in more the broader implications of what they do. Never heard of Multifinish anyway probably some quickfix material that would be totally inappropriate for old buildings that need their walls to breathe

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