How To Grow Weed Hydroponically At Home 101 – The Seedling Stage

Learn how to grow cannabis hydroponically at home during the seedling stage of plant growth! Discover the appropriate water …


  1. Hello just want to start off with your videos have been so helpful, thank you for the time in putting in the work in creating such great content for others. So I’m new to growing and have a question about the recommend ppm levels you share from seedling, veg and flower. I wrote down all your recommend amounts however Im trying to follow the ec scale vs ppm. What is your ratio of 1ec to ppm? I have a trenchman so for every 1.0 ec equals 700ppm for me, I know this varies depending on the device you use so that’s why I’m asking so I can mange my grow accordingly to your recommendations

  2. When starting in rapid rooters and a humidity dome, how large should the seedling be before removing the dome? This is before transplanting into the dwc pot of course

  3. Please black people out there, your historic grievances have alot of power and unfortunately its been used for useless egg shells treatment that is more racist than anything. Asking for reparations is ridiculous but one thing can be done that will eradicate racism in anyone that matters, as most of today's is based on one race or another getting preferential treatment so it breeds resentment in the other, cannabis was outlawed to stem the hemp trade of the time that threatened the cotton trade as its superior for ship sails and the like but those cotton barrens owned newspapers and used racism to get cannabis owtlawed, they made it seem like weed smoking made blacks rape white women, these cotton barrens obviously had plantations in america relient on slaves and didnt want to upgrade to machines to process hemp. Anyway black people have a unique opportunity to be in the white mans debt and push cannabis legalisation as a racism thing, Rastafarians are not bothered by police because of the racial/religious repocussions of today, please use your power for good!

  4. awesome work man, I did a lot of research and even at this point I find something new in your video, cuz I'd totally OD my plants with 100% nutrients dose after transplant into the system, so thanks for possibly saving my growth 😀 however, I have 2 suggestions for you (you ask for it! :)) the first one is about PPM, I'd rather see you speaking in EC cuz in your video you are using both metric and imperial units and PPM is based on the manufacture of the meter you use, same as TDS, it's different for each region so you might end up with different results than you actually have, the EC is global and every time the same and the second is about water itself, this topic probably deserves a lot more attention, I'd personally love to know for what interval per day I should start watering in each medium, for example, I'm going to use clay pebbles in a recirculating drip system and even after reading 2 books and watch hours of videos I'm still not completely sure about this :D, also I'd like to see you speaking about using city water compared to reverse osmotic one, I personally have 0,4 EC by default in my city so I probably end up stunning the plants in the flowering cycle because of that so people should be aware about that too, thanks for the video, keep it up man 🙂

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