Illegal for your Vet to Prescribe CBD and THC?

Dr Jones Free Book: CBD and THC, medical marijuana products are proving to be very …


  1. This is insane! My God so they can legally prescribed medications to the dog that will cause extreme harm but cannot discuss a natural alternative. My pet in my heart ā¤ļø shouldnā€™t we always go for the safest option. Very very sad I hope we can make changes for this.

  2. My neurologist told me take CBD for my spinal issues . It helps so much with the inflammation & pain! Im putting off risky surgery. This helps. Have no problem giving CBD to my critters. We gave it to our older dog who had pain with cancer. He lasted longer, more comfortably. Our vet told us get Milk Thistle for his liver, too! He got his zip back until the day before he passed. That day, he suffered, we took him in…Miss him everyday. ā¤ He had a massive liver tumor.

  3. My vet says to me yesterday, i am not against CDB OIL but if youre gonna use it for your cat "use it at your own risk"…why does doctors cant really side with the use of CBD OIL?!?! this is just sad

  4. My Allie LOVES your CBD oil!! One drop knocks her out! Iā€™m so happy that itā€™s good for inflammation as well, and that I donā€™t have to worry about paying for Rimadyl anymore, which is harmful!! Thank you for all you do!! Youā€™re such a blessing, Doc! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

  5. I really wish the right type of cbd oil was legal to help her with the seizures. They just kept getting worse. Sadly that was the last week with her.

  6. Thatā€™s crazy! I have used CBD on my dogā€™s SLO outbreaks. He was able to rest comfortable and he looked more relaxed, how can that be illegal to recommend? Itā€™s not like animals need to run heavy equipment, drive or make critical decisions so why is this illegal to recommend?

  7. You are SUCH a good DOCTOR…But I am concerned…YOU DON'T LOOK WELL YOUR SELF! I hope you are ok and not going through a crisis…WE LOVE YOU! Seek support if that is what you need… because WE NEED YOU!! YOU MATTER TO THIS UNIVERSE! You ARE making a difference! The animals need you too…and it is apparent that they are your primary purpose. Please keep educating us! We NEED YOU!

  8. I just ran into an issue like this 3 months ago, actually, the oncologist smirked at me when I asked. Her comment was " yes that's the new rave now (smirk), but I'm not allowed to give you any kind of advice on that". She also pointed to an article on her wall that she could not even discuss it. I live in CT. Let's face it, it's big Pharma!

  9. I love your videos Dr. Jones!
    I've tried giving my 15yr old 'Jug' CBD oil but the carrier oils give him diarrhea. Would tincture/cream work to help alleviate pancreatitis symptoms/discomfort?

  10. You are so awesome!! I love your channel and have learned a LOT from you that has made my dog Max's life so much healthier. I am from Canada (lived in Cranbrook) and now i live in LA so its very, very easy to get high grade medicinal CBD with or without THC.

    Max, a corgi, is 17 years old and has arthritis, so I started using tumeric and CBD (no THC) and it helped a bit. I ran out of the tumeric and CBD at the same time and didnt implement the CBD back into his routine immediately and it showed. Poor Max was limping again. I did a lot of research and heard that CBD well work better if it has some THC in it so I bought a brand called "Vet CBD" and it immediately made a HUGE difference. Max plays, runs and his demeanor is so happy now. It seems that he's not in pain anymore. Im don't usually write reviews but thats my experience and Max is happy, healthy and not in pain. I love my Max šŸ’“

  11. I suffer from chronic arthritis and I take CBD oil drops and have creams for my back. I am off pain killers and quite frankly if my little dog (a cross Lhaso Apso/pug – with little legs and a long back) developed a problem in future I would definitely use CBD oil for her – no question. But of course it the same old story big pharma they just want you to keep pumping junk into your dog. My little girl is seven now and I will do everything I can to keep her healthy – no junk food – no chip (apparently the latest concern is tumours growing around the implant – no – surely not!!!!!!!!! really – its a foreign body – so how does the body treat invaders. Common sense really. Also chips can be taken out – if its a valuable dog and it's been stolen they will do that before they can sell it. God help us all. Keep alert.

  12. Online buy from Lazarus Naturals. Prices are lower then anyone elses. You can get pet formula from them or just the regular & dilute it with MCT oil for the proper strength. Also, they have a major discount program for vets, disabled and low income people, 60% off their regular low prices on all products including pets.

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