Is Weed A Sin? It's Not What You Think

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  1. before you ask, yes I've tried the knees over toes program for a few months (paid for it) we actually follow each other. my arthritis is likely different but I do the exercises regularly.
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  2. I would like to jump in with something if I may. Personally I have found that smoking cannabis, every time, destroyed my day and life. This happened when I started to really submit to Jesus. With that said, I found nothing of the sorts with consuming ingestible cannabis. See smoking destroys the temple, when we eat cannabis, it can actually begin to repair and build the temple. This is because we are using it the way it was intended. He said in Genesis that he gave us every seed bearing plant …for food. Food being the key word here. Not incense that we inhale. Now, I rebelled for years because I just loved smoking, but as I gave more of my life for Christ, I started to notice how "unchristlike" I was after I smoked. This would go on for days and years and I felt hopeless to it. 20 years of smoking, HARD. Now I see that my dependence on it was a lie from Satan and even edibles now, i barely use them and Jesus is my source of joy. Also I use infused organic coconut oil as to rid myself of the sugars in most cannabis edibles. Side note, works great topically for pain. Not for novices though. If you've made it into your adulthood and have Jesus and have never used cannabis, I say stay away if you can. He is the beginning and end of your faith and you don't NEED cannabis BUT DEFINITELY over any sort of pills if need be. Just my opinion though. 🫂♥️✝️🙏

  3. Working in the medical field, my feeling about this is split… if there's a medical need for it that is one thing. But to use it recreationally or as an escape is a different story. As with anything else, we can become addicted whether pain medicine, exercise, etc

  4. if i didn’t use medical marijuana i would be on viral medications and pain medications for herpes, i would probably have to go back on amphetamines for adhd until i finished school, and i would probably have to up my antidepressant. i struggle a lot with the fact that i smoke it, i want to switch to edibles, but i don’t feel like i am doing anything wrong in the eyes of the kingdom by using a natural substance rather than all the pills i would have to take otherwise.

  5. The Lord used marijuana for a season to help bring up a lot of repressed issues and trauma after a while I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to give it up and was resistant. I was met by spiritual attacks from the enemy, but The Lord in his loving kindness again used what was meant for evil for my good and his glory and healed me and grew me through those attacks. I have since learned it’s better to be obedient and have laid it down, but do believe it can be used for good as I have seen. I had a medical card for PTSD.

  6. U got me worried for a second!🤣 u made a good point to take edible/gummys instead of an opioids like oxy, codein, vicodin, etc. I'm 19 and both my parents were alcoholics addicted to oxy and other pills. So when I got my wisdom teeth at 18 pulled I was extremely scared that I'd get addicted to codein they gave me for pain meds, thankfully I didnt like it-it made me sleep and I took minimum as needed. But I wouldve way rather took a gummy knowing it's not as addictive and not risking it. Cuz what if I did like it?!?

    I agree we shouldn't smoke it or take it as fun but for pain I now see how that would be better vs. a narcotic that many ppl get addicted to from after injury's or surgerys…

  7. I think if you’re going through cancer or ALS, Glaucoma, etc., (I mean a MAJOR injury or disease) use it because that’s what it’s for. ALS patients who are going through neurological issues. Cancer patients are going through chemo.

    But if someone is doing it recreationally, it’s a no for me. If it’s an injury like I had in high school, it’s a no for me.

    I feel the same about opioids. I had a Achilles injury in high school and I never took the painkillers they gave me.

    If a person doesn’t actually need it, drugs can alter your mood, behavior, and brain chemistry. It can also make you paranoid. It just changes too much in the body for me to do it as a fully healthy human being.

    In my opinion REM sleep is the most important thing for us as humans. That’s how we get healed. If it’s suppressing your REM sleep, I would not take this.

    I really appreciate this commentary. Someone in my family smokes cigarettes (tobacco) and the smoke just gives me such of a headache.

    I don’t think that we should be taking any type of substance because we can become dependent upon it.

  8. Bro be real, stop tip toeing around the subject for your church people. Let me say this, I’m a 38 yo 2 time Iraq veteran and a recovered heroine addict. I a widow father of 2 kids, weed is not a sin. I think we judge everything by the fruit it bears and if a person is actually born again it’s not a sin to use weed like it’s not a sin to have a drink. Jesus has to be first place in our lives but if a person wants to partake in these it’s not a sin. The problem with the world isn’t weed or alcohol or drugs it’s the lack of God in our hearts.

  9. No cards, bro.
    Adding your knee to my prayers.
    Responsible use of medical pot is a personal decision. I am for its availability.
    It's a blessing when God helps us let go of things for new phases of life without us feeling a loss of sense of self over it. Great to hear that about what you're saying here about the hooping and how you feel if you end up needing to go forward without it in your own life.

  10. Hi Ruslan! Your story legit sound like a lot of the patients that I have worked with as well as some of my other colleagues. If you are struggling with your knee, you are most likely to speak with a physical therapist that specializes in ACL rehab (specifically, with your history). I can point you to a couple of professionals who can help you with long distance rehab, and if you live in New York, there are A LOT of good private Physical therapists to help. Sadly, cannabis is just a short term fix and won’t help with the locking as it seems a biomechanical muscular issue. I wish you the best!!

  11. Send them me,iv got body pain..( think it poss nerve damage from injecting cos was addicted to needle use aswel)..tryna get off last 10/15 ml methadone daily,taken 21 months from last heroin fix & other drugs to get down to that & God's made sure iv felt every bit but have been delivered from a 40yr multiple drugs habits.I shldnt be alive….Was put on librium & valium age 11 & it degressed from there….weed age 14,LSD 15- heroin ,speed,coke,opium.- 16.Im going through rehabilitation – trying to grow out of stain of drug mentality /lifestyle & have my mind fully renewed but life feels too raw much of the time or i do..come across a hater & it makes me withdraw from poking my nose out door type feeling…Trying to get to place where I feel like a human does unscathed by a lifetime of addictions but Lord really went WAY WAY out to bring me out & save me.Gratitude & Praise for Jesus. C👀L viDi0 ruslan

  12. I smoked weed daily from age 16-25 and I used it to escape reality. After getting saved the holy spirit heavily convicted me to put that shit down. Now it's 3 months later and even CBD oil makes me feel foggy and anxious now. I also struggled with kratom addiction as well after getting saved and I ended up throwing away $70 worth of kratom while doing prayer and fasting. I still struggle with cravings sometimes but it's not worth it when you're questioning your right standing with God. I feel like he wanted me to throw that shit away as it quickly became a daily habit. I think anything you're using to escape reality (legal or illegal) can be bad. Btw kratom is a plant that you can buy at any gas station or order online, it's highly addictive from my personal experience.

  13. I struggle here personally bc I'm a mmj patient and a Christian. While I use primarily to sleep soundly and to help with pain (lots of past relatively serious sports injuries and PTSD unrelated) I also do use it to just relax/anti anxiety. With that said, I don't get so loopy I can't do anything I'd do sober if I use it during the day. I think the biggest thing is God made it as a medicine to help (imo) but some of us (myself included) can slip and lean on it too much and abuse it. As long as your praying, reading, worshipping and not being irresponsible and abusing it I really feel like it's no worse then a glass or two of wine. Also, I have tried to cut back on mmj but between the pain and waking every hr it just hasn't been possible. In past I was prescribed to some pretty hard scripts and mmj replaced all of them which was so nice.

  14. Stop playing ball bruh …

    Lol jk I used to play pickup and one day I just realized the difference between men and women via an elbow. I started liking my face too much. The busted lips were hideous.

    Started playing pick up volleyball. Lol

  15. I'm going to say this from my personal experience, weed in multiple instances helps me talk to God. I don't usually consume THC with that intention but when I'm on it, I think about God with heightened emotions and thoughts and I talk to him. Sometimes I repent of things I've done that day and I pray for things that are happening in my life, asking if he can help me. I take it because it gives me a sense of pleasure and I think to be with God, I talk to him about things that wouldn't normally be on my mind. I don't take it everyday because it effects my memory (so does alcohol) so for me I keep it contained, in the privacy in my own home, and if I can, less is better. Now I've cut down smoking a lot more and 2.5 – 5mg is enough for me to feel relaxed and not blown out of my mind. I think there's a conversation to be had of what does "being high" mean because there is a spectrum that exists. I believe weed can exist as much as a beer if people don't abuse it, and that it's not so impairing to the point of what we call "drunkness"prescribe

  16. Well its the impact of a drog. I would say a glass of wine has less an impact to your body than THC/weed.
    If you need pain relief you need it but always good to avoid it.

  17. Thank you for being one of the only videos I’ve seen that doesn’t demonize Weed.. I stopped smoking despite having being hospitalized for the lack of rest for 7 days, but God healed my chronic sleep deprivation a few years later due to faith and fasting. Thank you for making me feel like I wouldn’t go to hell if I ever come across severe sleep disorder and resort to weed at night. I’m 26 and have been dealing with this Selena my whole life. Weed has been the thing that has helped me fall asleep for more than 10 years!! Now I just read my Bible to go to bed(with the use of some melatonin).. I used to take sleeping medicine prescriptions prescribed by a dr, then I would have to up my dose as time went, while smoking, while taking melatonin, JUST TO FALL ASLEEP!!!!! Glory to God almighty for healing me and pruning me during my fermentation process.. I feel like I was being pruned like wine so I can give fruit.. thank you for this word. God bless you

  18. Smoking weed recreationally is like playing with fire. Sure it has many good things about it, but keep on playing with it and before you know it you have a full on inferno

  19. After being saved I thought I was gonna go to the dope man's house to be light but I went to the dope man's house and lit up and then came the verse as I took a hit
    " A dog returns to his vomit"

    You may call that hard but I call it LOVE. I'm so thankful I serve the One who knows EXACTLY how to speak to me cause that's what I needed!

  20. Great topic from a Christian stance. As someone who grew up in the Caribbean, weed was all too common to grow up with and know about. Talking about growing it, selling it and consuming it as a teen. Good times. I've been a Christian for 15+ years and I didn't smoke all through that time, nevertheless, UNTIL 2020. I got severely depressed and almost suicidal with everything that was going on that particular year. I often wondered "What does God think about my cana-bias solution". Before ya'll judge me and criticize me, let me tell you how much I don't care what you have to say. I am much happier today than 2 years ago, and no, I don't go to a church at all because they have all gone mad and crazy these days. You can't trust the churches in this country anymore because they don't preach salvation to the lost anymore and they think that being "pulpit politicians" it's the "new God's mandate". Bottom line, I feel better and even though i don't go to church anymore doesn't mean I stopped being a Christian. I still love Jesus. I pray every day and have my devotional before I start my day and my relationship with my spouse it's WAYYYYYYYYYYY better in every way. It's amazing how you can laugh out loud with your spouse after 33+ years of marriage and have complete harmony in the relationship. I'll tell ya'll what…this country would be in a much better situation if Congress would agree to legalize pot. They'll be the first ones getting along and getting things done for the people. Of course, don't over do it and have some regulations, but don't be putting people in jail or deny them jobs because of it. Hell, every time the children of Israel used to rebel against God the first thing they did was tattoo and pierce themselves. So, if weed is considered a "sin" in the Christian community, what do they call tattooing and piercing (and I'm not judging those who have them) I'm just stating the facts of both things. Thanks again, Ruslan for getting real 🙂

  21. my dad refused to get knee surgery so he just exercise every night and walk during the day. about 3 weeks ago I decided to do a fruit and vegetables cleanse for a week and he saw a major difference in me and he tried it and he loves it so now he does it 75 percent and he walks better cuz he does not feel pain as much. I recommend fruits and vegetables only with water cleanse. as for me I felt great I was able to sleep with no problem and all the pain from my migraine was gone.

  22. Cannabis is not meant for the body. Even a little bit causes brain and pancreatic dysfunctions. Can’t say the same about alcohol- people get liver cirrhosis without ever touching a drop. However some people NEED 94 proof gin for the bicarbonate enzymes lacking in the pancreas.

    It’s comparing apples to oranges

    Not saying it’s a sin

  23. Yeah I have a WACK work schedule 3am start time lol. So typically when I’m not tired enough I use a small amount for rest ironically to what you experienced vs. melatonin due to some concerns I found in studies of long term melatonin use.

    Doing that while ensuring I don’t get into the recreational side of things on it just from a self control piece!

  24. If cannabis, THC and all that stuff are medically prescribed and necessary, I cannot be totally against it. Also, we should not demonise everything that can be sinful, like alcohol and all drugs.

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